
      • 31 JANUARY 2023
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      Tiny Homes Working Group ‘Going in the Right Direction’

      Tiny Homes Working Group ‘Going in the Right Direction’

      A member of the Brantford Tiny Homes Working Circle summarized the Jan. 25 gathering with sentiments that were echoed by others attending.

“We’re going in the right direction.”

The latest working circle was largely a continuation of the Jan. 11 meeting and, as with the previous working circle, new participants were on hand to learn about the project to create a tiny-home community in Brantford.

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      • 26 JANUARY 2023
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      ‘Open House’ Opens Neighbourhood Opportunities

      ‘Open House’ Opens Neighbourhood Opportunities

      When Neil MacDonald moved in with his sister Katie last year, the two hatched a grand idea to help Neil feel even more at home and part of the community.

The siblings, who are also close friends, organized an “open house” at their home and invited all their neighbours to stop by for a meet-and-greet event.

They got quite the turnout.

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      • 24 JANUARY 2023
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      Brantford Author Says Family and Community are What Matter Most

      Brantford Author Says Family and Community are What Matter Most

      While last year was certainly marked by personal achievement for Zig Misiak, the Brantford resident and author says his family bonds and commitment to community service are what matter most to him — and this, he says, was his greatest lesson learned in 2022.

Family, says Zig, the author of 18 books, is his “centre of strength and love,” and community service is an “obligation.”

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      • 18 JANUARY 2023
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      Siblings Step In To Provide Brother Supports Their Parents Once Gave 

      Siblings Step In To Provide Brother Supports Their Parents Once Gave 

      Peter Miklos is enjoying life to the fullest with the help of supports he’s receiving from his siblings. It has been a family effort that has put to rest concerns Peter’s parents had about who would help care for him after they were gone.

      Peter comes from a large family. At 54, he’s the youngest. Peter lives independently, and his parents, Jim and Marg, would regularly visit him, either at Peter’s home or at their house every week.

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      • 17 JANUARY 2023
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      New Working Circle Participants Help Move Tiny-home Project Another Step Forward

      New Working Circle Participants Help Move Tiny-home Project Another Step Forward

      The first Tiny Homes Working Circle of 2023 kicked off with several new participants who are interested in affordable housing in Brantford joining the space – and they brought lots of forward momentum to help make the goal of creating a tiny-home community in the city a reality.

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      • 12 JANUARY 2023
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      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

Once a homeowner, the Brantford resident experienced more than four years of homelessness, a time she describes as being “humiliating and most disconcerting.”

But Melanie has been living in her own apartment since September. And by having her own place to call home, Melanie says her quality of life and outlook have greatly improved.

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