Brantford Author Says Family and Community are What Matter Most
Zig Misiak, who has authored 18 books, shares his lessons learned in 2022 and his hopes for the new year
By Deron Hamel
While last year was certainly marked by personal achievement for Zig Misiak, the Brantford resident and author says his family bonds and commitment to community service are what matter most to him — and this, he says, was his greatest lesson learned in 2022.
Family, says Zig, the author of 18 books, is his “centre of strength and love,” and community service is an “obligation.”
In 2022, Zig was awarded a Military Gold Cross from Poland, the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum medal, and he was one of only a few nominees for the YMCA Peace Award. He also holds three Governor General of Canada medals.
“I will support our community volunteers in every way possible, as they are the backbone of who we are and who we, as a community, will be.”
Zig says he learned about the importance of family at a young age. He and his parents arrived in Canada as post-war refugees from Poland in 1950. He had no aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents to grow up with, so a tight family unit has always been important.
He’s also passing his lessons learned about the importance of family to his children and grandchildren.
“Now, as a senior, I have my own family of four children, their spouses and four grandchildren,” Zig says. “I cherish them and teach them from my life experiences related to separation, loss, finding a new home and to be the best citizens possible.”
Another lesson Zig says he learned is the impact he has on others through the children’s books he’s authored, many of which focus on the history of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, adding his books have been used in schools.
“I realized, as a lesson, that my writing had impact and therefore, having written 18 books, I continue to write about our collective local histories that include the First Nations,” he says.
Zig is also committed to Canada’s veterans through his association with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (RHLI) and the Polish Combatants’ Association.
Looking ahead to 2023, Zig says he plans to build upon what he learned in 2022 and “continue on the path of self-improvement, growth, family love and community awareness.”
He says he will continue writing, public speaking and engaging schools in Canada’s history to create a better present and future.
“I will continue to be a force in the community with some interesting projects that I have been working on that will be announced over the coming months,” he says.
“I will continue to embrace those of like mind who move along the same path and in the same direction as I am. I will support our community volunteers in every way possible, as they are the backbone of who we are and who we, as a community, will be.”
What are Your 2022 Lessons Learned and Hopes for 2023?
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