
      • 12 JANUARY 2023
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      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

Once a homeowner, the Brantford resident experienced more than four years of homelessness, a time she describes as being “humiliating and most disconcerting.”

But Melanie has been living in her own apartment since September. And by having her own place to call home, Melanie says her quality of life and outlook have greatly improved.

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      • 21 DECEMBER 2022
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      Tiny Homes Working Circle Takes Another Step Towards First Build

      Tiny Homes Working Circle Takes Another Step Towards First Build

      During last Wednesday’s Tiny Homes Working Circle, there was a feeling among the group that another step was taken towards tiny-home builds becoming a reality in Brantford.

      This optimism springs from several participants returning with a better understanding of what a tiny-home community might look like and how we can connect with those interested in a tiny home in order to get their valuable input.

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      • 29 NOVEMBER 2022
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      A Vision to End Homelessness in Brantford, One Tiny Home at a Time — A Q&A with Sid

      A Vision to End Homelessness in Brantford, One Tiny Home at a Time — A Q&A with Sid

      Sid is homeless and living in Brantford. Several months ago, he approached Belonging Brant with an idea to help improve his living situation and that of others in Brantford through an initiative to bring affordable housing to the city.

      He’d heard about other municipalities building “tiny homes” to help address the housing crisis. Tiny homes refer to small, low-cost dwellings that can either be built on designated lots of land or on people’s property.

      Sid wondered if tiny homes might be a solution to curbing homelessness in Brantford.

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