
      • 1 AUGUST 2023
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      ‘My Magic-wand Tap Would Expand Belonging Brant Programming …’

      ‘My Magic-wand Tap Would Expand Belonging Brant Programming …’

      Paul Shepherd says he hopes Belonging Brant continues to grow and thrive so the initiative can keep building stronger communities, include more people and have citizens who are connected through its inclusive environment.

      A minister with the United Church of Canada and a Belonging Brant participant, Paul says the initiative is important to him because the citizen-led projects that are developed promote inclusivity.

      “Belonging Brant is important to me because — at the risk of sounding trite — belonging is important,” Paul says. “Belonging Brant programs provide safe space for people to be themselves and belong.

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      • 27 JULY 2023
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      Long-term Sustainability Crucial for Belonging Brant’s Continued Success

      Long-term Sustainability Crucial for Belonging Brant’s Continued Success

      The Brantford and Brant communities have benefited immensely from opportunities Belonging Brant provides for participants to discover and build on their passions and strengths, says Amy Brandt, who is a supporter of the initiative.

      “With the right supports, Belonging Brant has the potential to not only continue in its successful community-building projects, but also flourish,” she adds.

      And Amy says she’s willing to do her part to make this happen.

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      • 25 JULY 2023
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      Photography Group is Helping Create a Stronger Brantford

      Photography Group is Helping Create a Stronger Brantford

      Brantford citizens with a keen interest in photography are sharing their skills and talents with each other and across the community, thanks to their involvement with the Brantford/Brant County Photo Club.

      And club member Adam Tipler is crediting the Belonging Brant initiative for making the project possible and for supporting the group by sharing the photo club’s work across social media platforms.

      He says he would like to see this continue.

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      • 20 JULY 2023
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      Belonging Brant is Building Stronger Communities – And Additional Support Can Take Things Further

      Belonging Brant is Building Stronger Communities – And Additional Support Can Take Things Further

      Kevin Noseworthy says his favourite aspect of the Belonging Brant initiative is seeing the support the project’s members provide people with to help them connect with others and form new friendships and partnerships aimed at building stronger communities.

      Kevin, who works with Community Living Brant, one of the organizations involved with Belonging Brant, adds that the project is important because of the results it achieves.

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      • 19 JULY 2023
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      Belonging Brant is a Hub for New Ideas, Support and A Sense of Community, Says Group Member

      Belonging Brant is a Hub for New Ideas, Support and A Sense of Community, Says Group Member

      Makeda Kafele-Green says what she’s enjoyed most about being involved with Belonging Brant is how those participating in the initiative’s projects are always open to new ideas and support each other.

      This, she says, creates a strong “community vibe” that brings people together with the goal of building better communities for people to live.

      “There is never an idea that is out of the question,” Makeda says.

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      • 14 JULY 2023
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      Creating a Better Brantford, One Random Act of Kindness at a Time

      Creating a Better Brantford, One Random Act of Kindness at a Time

      Tina Barkhouse says being involved with the Random Acts of Kindness Group makes her feel more connected to the community by making others feel good through the friendly gestures she and other group members make.

      And making others feel good makes her feel good, Tina adds.

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