Tiny Homes Community Conversations and Consultations on the Horizon

By Deron Hamel

Much of the discussion during the Feb. 21 Tiny Homes Working Circle focused on hosting community conversations in Brantford in a few weeks to generate even more public interest in our tiny homes project as well as getting ready for the March 7 working circle, which will include a consultation with BetterStreet founder Tony D’Amato Stortz, who “wrote the book on building tiny homes.

During the discussion, it was decided that two community conversations should be hosted during the last week of March to help the group discover more people who would be interested in helping get the tiny-home pilot project off the ground and would be willing to bring their strengths and talents to the table.

Participants suggested the Brantford Public Library would make an excellent location to host the event because it offers a spacious environment and a central location.

“I am passionate about community projects and have noticed the momentum (the Tiny Homes Working Circle) is building…”

The event would include an afternoon online gathering and a hybrid in-person and online gathering in the evening to ensure maximum participation.

There are also many people affected by the housing crisis who access the library’s services, so the event would attract attention from people who might be looking to become part of a tiny-home community, they added.

BetterStreet spearheaded a successful tiny-home community in Kitchener, and the working circle is hoping to gain some insight from Tony about the best next steps for us to continue moving forward.

The meeting also saw two new faces.

One new member is a student doing a placement with Community Living Brant who is interested in pursuing work centred on community-building.

The second new member says they wanted to join the working circle because of the potential a tiny-home community in Brantford has to address the housing crisis.

“I am passionate about community projects and have noticed the momentum (the Tiny Homes Working Circle) is building and I want to grab on to that,” they said.

“I’m interested in spreading the word and serving as an ambassador (for the tiny-home project).”


Get Involved!

If you have interest in joining this tiny home project, experience in building them, funds, or spaces to offer or help access, or if you simply wish to know more, please contact Jocelyn at jocelynbirkes@clbrant.com.


Share Your Story

If you are person with direct experience with precarious housing and/or homelessness, a builder, a property owner, or work for financial institution, a foundation, or non-profit you have something to offer. We’d love it if you take a few minutes to share your answers to these questions.


Lead image: Graphic reflections from the Feb. 21 Tiny Homes Working Circle sketched live during the gathering by Yvonne Hollandy. Click on the image to view the full graphic.


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