
      • 11 OCTOBER 2023
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      Circle of Friends Golf Tournament was a Chance to Visit Friends and Have Fun, Says Participant

      Circle of Friends Golf Tournament was a Chance to Visit Friends and Have Fun, Says Participant

      Richard dela Rosa says participating in Community Living Brant’s 35th annual Circle of Friends golf tournament on Aug. 18 was an opportunity to see old friends and colleagues as well as show his support for an organization he knows first-hand brings great value to Brant County.

      And, of course, it was a chance to have fun playing 18 holes of golf, he says.

      Richard is a former Community Living Brant staff member who has played in the past three Circle of Friends golf tournaments, and for him it’s important to keep those ties strong, he says.

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      • 22 AUGUST 2023
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      Safe Homes in Safe Communities – the Key to Addressing Housing Crisis

      Safe Homes in Safe Communities – the Key to Addressing Housing Crisis

      People who are impacted by the housing crisis need more than just roofs over their heads; they need safe homes in safe communities, says Paul Shepherd.

      And since a market-based approach to creating safe homes in safe communities is not affordable for many, community-based responses, such as Belonging Brant’s Tiny Homes Working Circle, are needed to make this a reality, adds Paul, a local minister with the United Church of Canada.

      “The myth that ‘success’ means having your own home has led many people to feel isolated,” Paul says. “The real win is safe homes within safe community.”

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      • 21 APRIL 2023
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      Community Advocate Encouraged by Citizens’ Response to Housing Crisis

      Community Advocate Encouraged by Citizens’ Response to Housing Crisis

      When she looks around Brantford, Birgitta P.M. says she sees a growing number of people who are affected by the housing crisis. But she also sees many concerned citizens who are ready and willing to do something to help.

      And this is encouraging, Birgitta says.

      “I see people waking up to and becoming aware of the homelessness crisis and who are beginning to care enough to look for and create viable possibilities and real options and opportunities,” says Birgitta, a Brantford resident and community advocate.

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      • 31 JANUARY 2023
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      Tiny Homes Working Group ‘Going in the Right Direction’

      Tiny Homes Working Group ‘Going in the Right Direction’

      A member of the Brantford Tiny Homes Working Circle summarized the Jan. 25 gathering with sentiments that were echoed by others attending.

“We’re going in the right direction.”

The latest working circle was largely a continuation of the Jan. 11 meeting and, as with the previous working circle, new participants were on hand to learn about the project to create a tiny-home community in Brantford.

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      • 12 JANUARY 2023
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      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

      Affordable Housing: A Cornerstone of Happy, Healthy Communities 

Once a homeowner, the Brantford resident experienced more than four years of homelessness, a time she describes as being “humiliating and most disconcerting.”

But Melanie has been living in her own apartment since September. And by having her own place to call home, Melanie says her quality of life and outlook have greatly improved.

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      • 29 NOVEMBER 2022
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      A Vision to End Homelessness in Brantford, One Tiny Home at a Time — A Q&A with Sid

      A Vision to End Homelessness in Brantford, One Tiny Home at a Time — A Q&A with Sid

      Sid is homeless and living in Brantford. Several months ago, he approached Belonging Brant with an idea to help improve his living situation and that of others in Brantford through an initiative to bring affordable housing to the city.

      He’d heard about other municipalities building “tiny homes” to help address the housing crisis. Tiny homes refer to small, low-cost dwellings that can either be built on designated lots of land or on people’s property.

      Sid wondered if tiny homes might be a solution to curbing homelessness in Brantford.

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