
      • 3 AUGUST 2023
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      Holding Space for Art: Branford’s First Free Little Art Gallery Comes to Town

      Holding Space for Art: Branford’s First Free Little Art Gallery Comes to Town

      A creative community idea came to realization on Friday, July 21 at St. Basil Community Homes.

      Sharon Gashgarian of ViBrant ARC (Art Reconnecting Community), along with Laurie Macintyre and Tammy Wellman of Jaycee Homes, met at 77 Pearl St. in Brantford for the first-ever Art in the Park celebration, which included the unveiling of Brantford’s very own Free Little Art Gallery (FLAG).

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      • 21 FEBRUARY 2023
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      Project SEARCH is a Learning Experience for Interns and Their Mentors

      Project SEARCH is a Learning Experience for Interns and Their Mentors

      Monica Courser says the Project SEARCH initiative at St. Joseph’s Lifecare Centre has been benefiting the student interns who are doing placements at the Brantford long-term care home through the program as well as the workplace “champions” who are mentoring them.

      A dietary aide at St. Joe’s, Monica says the interns involved with Project SEARCH are learning valuable skills they can use in the workforce, while workplace champions are feeling a sense of pride in helping them take an important step in their career paths.

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      • 16 FEBRUARY 2023
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      Project SEARCH is Creating Meaningful Employment Opportunities by Connecting Students with Workplaces

      Project SEARCH is Creating Meaningful Employment Opportunities by Connecting Students with Workplaces

      Esther Haan recalls how one of the students she works with through Project SEARCH was approached at Christmas by his mentor and co-worker in the housekeeping department at St. Joseph’s Lifecare Centre with a gift: a brand-new watch.

This was a special gift because the intern had never owned a watch and had told everyone he works with at the Brantford long-term care home that he would never use one.

But since that day, he’s not been seen without the watch he proudly wears.

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      • 17 OCTOBER 2022
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      As the Days Grow Colder, Community is Growing Warmer

      As the Days Grow Colder, Community is Growing Warmer

      With the days getting colder, I’m noticing more and more, the desire for things that make people feel warm. I’m noticing that people are craving things that not only give them energy, but give them that gooey, warm, cozy feeling. People are looking for safe and open spaces, with opportunity for connection that triumphs the bite of cold weather.

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      • 18 AUGUST 2022
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      Meet Cristin Ladner — A Q&A With Community Living Brant’s New Executive Director

      Meet Cristin Ladner — A Q&A With Community Living Brant’s New Executive Director

      In this Q&A Cristin Ladner, Community Living Brant’s (CLB) new executive director, discusses how she began her journey with CLB. She explores what in her work inspires her and what feels important to her. Cristin shares what kind of leader she wants to be and explores ways in which CLB can continue to evolve and shift to do things differently and provide the best possible support in community.

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      • 30 JUNE 2022
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      Building a Network of Support — A Q&A with Kaitlynn Gard

      Building a Network of Support — A Q&A with Kaitlynn Gard

      In the first of a series of Q&As on Doing Things Differently, we spoke with Kaitlynn Gard, the Pathways director of supports and services with Community Living Brant. We inquire into the new ways in which Community Living Brant teams are engaging and collaborating with the community and each other to foster strong and connected communities. We explore the creative thinking that brings energy to the complexity of being and doing in community.

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