
      • 17 OCTOBER 2022
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      As the Days Grow Colder, Community is Growing Warmer

      As the Days Grow Colder, Community is Growing Warmer

      With the days getting colder, I’m noticing more and more, the desire for things that make people feel warm. I’m noticing that people are craving things that not only give them energy, but give them that gooey, warm, cozy feeling. People are looking for safe and open spaces, with opportunity for connection that triumphs the bite of cold weather.

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      • 12 OCTOBER 2022
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      Noticing That Which Weaves Us Together

      Noticing That Which Weaves Us Together

      I have this quote written up in chalk paint on an old window in front of my house right now. The other day a gentleman I’ve never met knocked on my front door and asked if I would be so kind as to lend him a pen and paper so he could write that quote down. He was struck by the beauty of the words, he said. I got pen and paper, and we spent some time talking together out front with this Wendell Berry quote and he shared why he was so stuck by it, and a bit about his life. I thanked him for taking notice of my offering to the neighbourhood.

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      • 27 SEPTEMBER 2022
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      Tiny Home Initiative Underway in Response to Housing Crisis — A Q&A With Jocelyn Birkes

      Tiny Home Initiative Underway in Response to Housing Crisis — A Q&A With Jocelyn Birkes

      At a Community-Based Response to Housing Summit earlier this year, Belonging Brant’s Jocelyn Birkes raised her hand to say yes to doing something. In this Q&A, Jocelyn speaks with Peter Pula from the Community Living Brant Narrative Circle about her inspiration to step up, the integral connections she’s made along the way, and what her visions are for the future of housing in Brantford.

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