
      • 12 SEPTEMBER 2023
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      Belonging Brant is Making Collaboration and Connectedness the Norm

      Belonging Brant is Making Collaboration and Connectedness the Norm

      By Deron Hamel
 A Belonging Brant participant says the citizen-led initiative is positioned to make a long-lasting impact on the local community. Shannon Pickering has seen the good Belonging Brant does. Its members helped her expand the Kindness Card Project, an outreach program she created that sees people make handwritten cards with words of kindness

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      • 22 AUGUST 2023
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      Safe Homes in Safe Communities – the Key to Addressing Housing Crisis

      Safe Homes in Safe Communities – the Key to Addressing Housing Crisis

      People who are impacted by the housing crisis need more than just roofs over their heads; they need safe homes in safe communities, says Paul Shepherd.

      And since a market-based approach to creating safe homes in safe communities is not affordable for many, community-based responses, such as Belonging Brant’s Tiny Homes Working Circle, are needed to make this a reality, adds Paul, a local minister with the United Church of Canada.

      “The myth that ‘success’ means having your own home has led many people to feel isolated,” Paul says. “The real win is safe homes within safe community.”

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      • 21 APRIL 2023
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      Community Advocate Encouraged by Citizens’ Response to Housing Crisis

      Community Advocate Encouraged by Citizens’ Response to Housing Crisis

      When she looks around Brantford, Birgitta P.M. says she sees a growing number of people who are affected by the housing crisis. But she also sees many concerned citizens who are ready and willing to do something to help.

      And this is encouraging, Birgitta says.

      “I see people waking up to and becoming aware of the homelessness crisis and who are beginning to care enough to look for and create viable possibilities and real options and opportunities,” says Birgitta, a Brantford resident and community advocate.

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      • 21 APRIL 2023
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      Citizen-Led Housing Initiative Births New Circles

      Citizen-Led Housing Initiative Births New Circles

      The April 4 citizen-led Tiny Homes Working Circle in Brantford, Ont. saw the creation of new, smaller working groups, all aimed at helping carry the pilot project to build two tiny homes in the city through to fruition.

      This feisty and persistent community movement is unfolding in natural step with the gifts and talents its members are bringing.

      As the movement has been developing, and its members express their interests and offer their gifts, the working circle has been shifting its form to support them.

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      • 19 APRIL 2023
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      Citizens Forge Ahead to Directly Address Housing Crisis

      Citizens Forge Ahead to Directly Address Housing Crisis

      Not willing to wait any longer for a system response to the housing crisis in their community, a group of citizens in Brantford, Ontario has taken it upon themselves to do what they can. Two community-led summits and six months later, a small group is making progress in the direction of building two tiny homes

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      • 13 APRIL 2023
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      BetterStreet Founder Visits Brantford Tiny Homes Working Circle

      BetterStreet Founder Visits Brantford Tiny Homes Working Circle

      Tony D’Amato Stortz, who has a wealth of experience helping tiny-home communities thrive in Canadian cities, spent an hour with the March 7 Tiny Home Working Circle to share his insight and help the group advance their efforts to create affordable housing in the Brantford, Ontario community.

      Tony combines his knowledge of social services, building management and carpentry to help guide groups looking to start tiny-home communities in their cities.

      To date, Tony, who is the founder of BetterStreet, an organization that develops strategies to address homelessness, has helped launch tiny-home communities in seven Canadian cities, including Kitchener and Belleville.

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