
      • 7 JUNE 2023
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      A Collaborative Mantra of Thanks to Community

      A Collaborative Mantra of Thanks to Community

      Collaborative art can be an important representation of a person, neighbourhood or community. Creating a poem, artwork or creative project together allows not only the recording of the gifts of folks, but it also ensures continued telling of a story over time.

      Belonging Brant and Community Living Brant welcome all opportunities to share stories in creative ways, so when Mabe Kyle brought their gifts of Poetry and Collaborative Process to the ABCD Symposium this year, we were inspired and grateful to have them there.

      Below is a copy of the poem created by participants at the May 31 Symposium through Mabe’s collaborative process and creative prompts. Thank you Mabe for holding space for us to be creative together.

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      • 2 MAY 2023
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      The ‘ABCD’ of Belonging Brant

      The ‘ABCD’ of Belonging Brant

      Because of Community Living Brant’s strong commitment and belief in asset-based community development (ABCD), we set forth a proposal for a new and exciting initiative focused on this for Brant, Brantford and Six Nations.

      ABCD uses community development as a tool to help people to have strong connections and friendships in their neighbourhoods.

      In May 2020, we were successful in receiving a three-year grant funded through the Ontario Trillium Foundation for the project called “Belonging Brant”, which was modelled after Befriend Inc. in Australia.

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      • 21 JUNE 2022
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      Uncertainty Became Community at 2022 Symposium

      Uncertainty Became Community at 2022 Symposium

      At first, there was sitting in uncertainty. There were new challenging ideas. There was even some dissonance. We questioned a lot.

      As a result of the pandemic we hadn’t gathered in community for a very long time. As we began our 2022 Symposium, we had no idea who anyone was, who they were affiliated with, or where they came from.

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      • 25 MAY 2022
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      The Stone Soup of Community Development

      The Stone Soup of Community Development

      There are various versions of a fable that goes something like this: there is a community that lives in quiet disconnection, thinking it has nothing, until a stranger comes into town. He presents the only thing he has to offer to the community: a stone. Inspired, the community members offer what they have, a potato, garlic, some corn – and together the community sees it does have something! They can create a beautiful and rich broth with the gifts that each of them have to offer.

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