June 7, 2021

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, June 7th, 2021:

  1. The Board had an informative and detailed update on our Person-Centred Excellence Strategic Plan from Sara Collyer, Director.  Please note the update will be posted on our website for everyone to read.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3. The Board received and accepted the resignation of a current board member for the end of June 2021.
  4. The Board reviewed and approved a Board recruitment plan.
  5. The  voting delegate from the Board was chosen for the Community Living Ontario Annual General Meeting in September.
  6. The Board reviewed the list of Board members being nominated for the upcoming year.
  7. A review was done of the summary of Board recommendations for 2020-21.
  8. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  9. There were 4 serious occurrences reported  in May.

Debbie Cavers,   Executive Director


May 3, 2021

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, May 3, 2021.

  1. The Board had an informative presentation on our External Rights Committee, Lylla Cox Fund, and our Core Gift Project  from Cristin Ladner, Director.
  2. The Board received an update on the plans for the 2021 Annual Golf Tournament to hopefully be held August 19, 2021.
  3. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  4. The Board received and reviewed the Serious Occurrence 5-Year Analysis report.
  5. The Board  approved its annual membership and discussed plans for Board of Directors recruitment.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There was 1 serious occurrence reported  in April.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


April  5, 2021

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday,  April 5, 2021:

  1. The Board had an informative presentation on CL Brant’s Employment Services from Sara Collyer, Director.
  2. The Board received detailed Administrative Support Services Updates, as well as a Financial Update from Kathryn Dubicki, Director.
  3. The Board was provided with an update on the great progress in the past month of staff and people supported having access to the COVID vaccine.
  4. An update was provided to the Board on the recent success of the Brant ABCD Symposium held in mid-March.
  5. The Board confirmed the date of its Annual General Meeting for Thursday, June 24, 2021.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There were no serious occurrences reported  in March.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

March 1, 2021

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday,  March  1, 2021:

1. The Board had a  video presentation involving  the “From Presence to Citizenship Learning Community”,  of which CL Brant is a member.

2. The Board received information and updates on the upcoming Brant ABCD Symposium being held virtually the week of March 15th.

3. The Board was provided with an update on the great progress in the past two weeks of staff having access to the COVID vaccine.

4. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.

5. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

6. There were no serious occurrences reported  in February.

Debbie Cavers,  Executive Director


February 1, 2021

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on a snowy Monday,  February 1, 2021.

1. The Board of Directors ratified the Collective Agreement!.

2. The Board had a presentation by Duncan Ross from Cowan Insurance.

3. Rishia Burke, Director, provided an update and presentation on the Belonging Brant Initiative

4. The Board was provided information on the DSO Brant waiting List

5. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors

6. The Board received information regarding the COVID 19 vaccine.

7.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency

8.  There were 2 serious occurrences reported  in January.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


January 4, 2021

The following is the Board Update for the meeting held on Monday, January 4, 2021:

  1. The Board completed its annual review of the Quality Assurance Measures (QAM) Directives, which included reviewing the following:  Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Guiding Principles, Bill of Rights,  “Abuse” Policy 8.19, and the  “Privacy of Information and Confidentiality” Policy 6.1.
  2. The Board received information regarding the QAM Compliance Review held in December 2020 and that there were no non-compliance issues.
  3. The Board completed is annual review of the  Agency’s Policies and Procedures Index.
  4. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  5. The  Board received an update on the ended COVID 19 outbreak at CL Brant.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There was 1  serious occurrence reported for December  2020.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


December 7, 2020

The following is the Board Update for the meeting held on Monday, December 7, 2020:

  1. The Board had  presentations by the Management Team on various success stories of people we support and services provided by CL Brant. The Board approved and welcomed its newest community board member, Nadwa Elbadri.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3. The  Board received an update on the COVID 19 outbreak at CL Brant.
  4. The Board approved the opening of the CLB 2020 Time Capsule in the year 2032 for our 80th
  5. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  6. There were 7  serious occurrences reported for November 2020.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


October 5, 2020

The following is the Board Update for the meeting held on Monday, October  5, 2020.

1. The Board received an update and highlights on our recent “Person-Centred Excellence Accreditation” with CQL.

2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.

3. The  Board approved Enviro Masters for snow removal.

4. The Board had a presentation from Rishia Burke, Director, on “Individualized Funding and Individualized Teams”

5. The Board received an update on the Community Living Ontario 67th Annual General meeting held on September 16, 2020

6.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

7.  There were 2  serious occurrences reported for September.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


September 15, 2020

The following is the Board Update for the meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2020

  1. The Board had a presentation and an update  from Sara Collyer on our upcoming Person Centred Excellence Accreditation with CQL
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3. The Board reviewed its annual self-evaluation summary and recommendations reports.
  4. The Board reviewed the Board Year Plan for 2020-21.
  5. The Cybersecurity report and action plan for the agency were received by the Board.
  6. The Board approved the proposed Bylaw Amendment and Resolutions for the upcoming Community Living Ontario Annual Meeting.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency
  8. There were 2  serious occurrences reported for June to August.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


The Board of Directors held 3 meetings from May through July.

  • The Board received a presentation from Rishia Burke, Director, on Family Networks and Asset Based Community Development.
  • The Board approved the recommendation of the CL Brant by-law amendments at the special meeting of the general membership on March 23, 2020.
  • The Board received and approved the recommendation that the annual Circle of Friends Golf Tournament be cancelled this year due to COVID19.
  • The Board received monthly financial updates.
  • The Board received updates on the agency’s pandemic plan and impacts of COVID19 on services.
  • The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 2020.
  • Information was provided to the Board on the new Belonging Brant  project  through a 3-year Trillium grant.
  • The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  • The Board reviewed its goals for the year and members completed their self-evaluation.
  • The Board  was updated on the two policy exemptions brought forward for the 2019/20 year.
  • A voting delegate was approved for the Community Living Ontario AGM.
  • There were 2 serious occurrences for May and June.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

February 3, 2020

Here is the Board Update from their February 3rd Meeting:

  1. The Board had an informative insurance  presentation  by Cowan Insurance Group.
  2.  The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3. The Board had a CQL Person Centred Excellence Accreditation Update provided by Sara Collyer.
  4. The Board completed its annual serious occurrence analysis that included a 5 year comparison.
  5. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  6. A brief discussion and update were provided regarding the 2020 Circle of Friends Golf Tournament.
  7. There were 0  serious occurrences reported for January.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

January 6, 2020

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, January 6,  2020.

  1. The Board had  presentations by the Management Team on various success stories of people we support and services provided by CL Brant.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3.  The Board received a Passport update.  Over 180 people are now involved with us through Passport.
  4.  The Board completed its annual Quality Assurance Measures Review of Mission, Vision Values, Bill of Rights, Abuse and Confidentiality Policies.
  5.  The Board was updated on other  Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There was 1 serious occurrence reported for  December.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

December 2, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, December 2,  2019.

  1. The Board had a presentation and very thoughtful discussion with our guest speaker, David Pitonyak.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board.
  3. The Board received an accreditation and strategic plan update from Sara Collyer, Director.
  4. The Board was updated on CLBrant’s recent Quality Assurance Measures Compliance Review held in November 2019.
  5.  The Board was updated on other Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7.  There was 1 serious occurrences reported for November.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


November 11, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, November 11, 2019.

  1. The Board had a “Looking Back, Looking Forward” presentation and discussion with Joe Erpenbeck from the Asset Based Community Development Institute
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board
  3. DSO and Passport information was received by the Board.
  4. The Board ratified their vote approving the 2019/20 budget submission to MCCSS
  5. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6. The Board approved a new membership.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were no serious occurrences reported for October

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

October 7, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, October 7,  2019.

  1. The Board had a presentation from Shaun Wood, Washington Initiative for Supported Employment
  2.  The Board approved a new board member, Daniel Custodio
  3. The Board ratified the vote approving the leave of absence of the Board President for 3 months and the appointment of an Acting President and Acting Vice-President.
  4.  The Financial Update was received, including information on the 2019/20 fiscal MCCSS budget.
  5.  The Board reviewed and approved the MCCSS Minor Capital submission
  6.  The Board reviewed and accepted the tender from Enviro Masters for snow removal services for 2019/20
  7.  The Board received a report regarding the results of voting at the Community Living Ontario Annual General    meeting.
  8. The Board  was updated on the outcome of the CLBrant Circle of Friends Golf Tournament  held in August
  9. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance
  10.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency
  11.  There was 1 serious occurrences reported for September

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

June 3,  2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, June 3,  2019.

  1. The Board was updated on the success of the recent ABCD Near and Dear Event held in May.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board reviewed the Audit Committee Meeting Report.
  4.  The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.
  5.  The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  6.  The Board members completed their self-evaluation.
  7.  The Board  was updated on the one policy exemption brought forward for the 2018/19 year.
  8.  A voting delegate was approved for the Community Living Ontario AGM.
  9.  The Status Report on Board Recommendations for 2018/19 was presented.
  10. Memberships were approved.
  11.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  12.     The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency
  13. There were 0 serious occurrences reported for May.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

May 6,  2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, May 6, 2019.

  1. The Board had a presentation by Sara Collyer and Cristin Ladner  on Core Gifts and  how it has been implemented across the agency.   Sara and Cristin led  a Core Gift group exercise with the Board that resulted in the creation of  a Core Gift statement for the Board of Directors.
  2. The Board was informed that the budget templates for 2019-20  have not yet been sent to us from the Ministry.
  3. The Board was updated on the success of the Jane’s Walks in Brantford this past weekend.
  4. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  5. Memberships were approved.
  6. The Board reviewed Community Living Ontario’s call for resolutions/by-law amendments and call for nominations for their Board of Directors.
  7. The Board received a Passport update – over 130 people are now involved with us through Passport.
  8. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  9. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  10.  There were 0 serious occurrences reported for April.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

April 1, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday April 1, 2019…..and my last update after 15 years!

  1. The Board of Directors  was updated on our successful ODSP-ES Compliance Review – we passed at time of review with nothing outstanding.
  2.  The Board was informed that the budget templates have not yet been sent to us from the Ministry and we believe it will be received after the Provincial Budget announcement on April 11th.
  3.  The Board was updated on our meeting with  MPP Will Bouma to stress the importance of  ensuring a stable sector and preserving funding for frontline services.
  4. The Board was provided with the very brief information available to us regarding the Ministry’s Employment Services Transformation, which is scheduled to roll out in the fall of this year.
  5. The Board  reviewed some sections of the revised proposed Governance Policies.
  6. The Board received a Nominating Committee Report.
  7. The Ministry Transfer Payment Risk Assessment Update has been signed off for the year.
  8.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  10. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  11. There were 2 serious occurrences reported for March.

Respectfully submitted,  Janet Reansbury,  Executive Director


March 4, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday March 4, 2019.

  1. The Board of Directors  was informed that the ODSP-ES Compliance Review was changed to March 19th.
  2.  The Board was updated on our follow-up calls with the Corporate Policy and Implementation Branch on the accommodation case study report.
  3.   The Board received a Passport update  – 120 people are now involved with us through Passport.
  4. The Board was provided information on the Provincial After-Hours Urgent Response Process.
  5. The Board  reviewed the revised proposed Bylaws and were updated on the process.
  6.  A Lylla Cox Opportunity Fund update was provided.
  7. The Ministry Transfer Payment Risk Assessment update is to be completed in March 2019.
  8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9. The Board was provided with a Human Resources, Health and Safety, Property, Information Systems Update.
  10. The Board reviewed the insurance renewals.
  11. The Board was updated on a summary of services received.
  12. An overview of Fiduciary Responsibilities and the Transfer Payment Cycle was provided to the Board.
  13. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  14. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  15. There were 0 serious occurrences reported to this point in February

Respectfully submitted,  Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

January 28, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on a snowy Monday, January 28th, 2019.

  1. The Board of Directors ratified the tentative agreement!
  2.  The Board was updated on our follow-up call with the Corporate Policy and Implementation Branch of the Ministry as one of three agencies chosen for an “in-depth” accommodation case study report on our best practices, lessons learned and insights.
  3.  The Board received a Passport update.
  4.  The Board was provided information on the DSO Brant waiting List.
  5.  The Board was updated on the progress to the potential Bylaws and Board Governance Policy changes.
  6.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7.  The Board received a Strategic Direction Update
  8.  The Board began a discussion regarding renewing Accreditation
  9.  The Board completed their annual review of the QAM Directives – Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, Bill of Rights,   Abuse Policy and Privacy of Information and Confidentiality.
  10.   The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  11.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.12.  There were 0 serious occurrences reported to this point in January.

Respectfully submitted,  Janet Reansbury. Executive Director

January 7, 2019

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, January 7, 2019.

  1. The majority of the meeting was a presentation and discussion with the Board of Directors by Cowan Insurance Group.
  2. The Board was given the good news that we passed our Quality Assurance Measures Compliance at time of review.
  3. The Board was updated on the Provincial Network’s response to the proposed ministry cutbacks.
  4. The Board was updated on the progress to the potential Bylaws and Board Governance Policy changes.
  5. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  6. The Board reviewed the 2019/20 Community Living Brant Membership form.
  7. The Board reviewed and discussed the 5-year Serious Occurrence Analysis and Update.
  8. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  9. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  10. There were 0 serious occurrences reported for December.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


November 5, 2018

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on October 1st, 29th and November 5th, 2018.   The majority of the October meetings were Community Living Brant Bylaw and Governance Policy working group sessions with  Nancy Draper.

In November:

  1. The Board was informed that there is still no budget news from the Government re: the impact of the line by line audit .
  2.  The Board was updated on Community Living Brant being chosen as one of three agencies across the Province to be interviewed  by Ministry staff  regarding our focus on innovative and individualized services.
  3.  The Board was updated on the Ministry’s After Hours Urgent Response System.
  4.  The Board was provided information on the impact of the repeal of portions of Bill 148 and the introduction of Bill 47.
  5. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6. The Board reviewed and discussed the Fundraising Events and Community Relations Activity in the agency.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9. The Board received a Rights Committee update.
  10. The Board received a Strategic Plan update.
  11. The Board received information on our services.
  12. Memberships were approved.
  13. There was 1 serious occurrence reported for October

Respectfully submitted,  Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

October 1, 2018 

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, October 1, 2018.

  1. The majority of the meeting was a review of the upcoming changes to the Ontario Corporation Act and a review of Community Living Brant’s Bylaws.
  2. The Board was provided information on the Government’s line by line audit.
  3. Brant waiting list info was provided to the Board.
  4.  An update on Community Relations was provided.
  5.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  6.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  7.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8.  There were 0 serious occurrences reported for September.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

September 10, 2018 

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, September 10, 2018.

  1. The majority of the meeting was a presentation and discussion with the Board of Directors by Chris Beesley, Chief Executive Officer, Community Living Brant
  2. The Board was provided with updates on the changes in Government of people and their portfolios.
  3. The Board was updated on the changes to the Basic Income Pilot and the impact on people’s lives.
  4. The Board began its fall journey into looking at potential changes to Bylaws and Board Governance Policies.
  5. The Board was updated  on the increase in the number of people we are supporting through Passport funding.
  6. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7. The Board received the Audit Management letter from the Auditors.
  8. Board Committees were formed for the year.
  9. The Board self-evaluation results from June were discussed along with a comparison from previous years.
  10. The Board Plan for the year was presented.
  11. Community Living Ontario’s proposed Resolution for Debate and proposed Bylaw Amendments.
  12. New and returning memberships were approved.
  13. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  14. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  15. There was 1 serious occurrence reported for June, July and August

Respectfully submitted, Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


June 4, 2018

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, June 4, 2018.

  1. The Board reviewed the Audit Committee Meeting Report.
  2. The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2017.
  3. The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  4. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  5. The Board was updated on the process we will be undertaking to make changes to our Board Governance Policies and Procedures and the Agency Bylaws.
  6. The Board was advised that we continue to be deemed low risk by the ministry following a review of our Risk Assessment.
  7. The Board was updated on the success of the Jane’s Walks in May along with the Flag Raising at City Hall for Community Living Month.
  8. The Board was informed that all people on the Passport Waiting List have now received a letter notifying them that they will receive $5,000 per year while on the list awaiting a full assessment.
  9. The Board was updated on The Changing Workplaces – Bill 148 Review finding that the public holiday rules under the ESA needed to be simplified so that  effective July 1, 2018,  the government has made a new regulation that reverts to the previous public holiday rules while the Ministry of Labour reviews further.
  10.  The Board reviewed it’s goals for the year and members completed their self-evaluation.
  11. The Board  was updated on the one policy exemption brought forward for the 2017/18 year.
  12. The Board was provided the most current waiting list statistics from the DSO.
  13. The Nominating Report was provided to the Board.
  14.  The Board approved new and existing memberships.
  15.   A voting delegate was approved for the Community Living Ontario AGM.
  16.  The Board approved existing memberships.
  17.  The Status Report on Board Recommendations 2017/18 was presented.
  18. There were 0 serious occurrences reported to the ministry for the month of May.
  19.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  20.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury,  Executive Director

April 2, 2018

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, April 2, 2018.

  1. The majority of our Board Meeting was a presentation by Michael Kendrick on Individualized and Changing Services and the Importance of Youth in our Future.
  2.  The Board approved the budget submission to the Ministry for 2018/2019.
  3. The Board  was updated on pertinent highlights from last week’s Provincial Budget.
  4. The Board was informed that the Ministry of Community and Social Services Agency Risk Assessments are ready for submission to the Ministry.
  5. The Board was updated on the success of our EarlyON (formerly OEYC) being chosen as a supportive partner for the new Provincial Lead Centres of Excellence headed up by the University of Western Ontario and the Ontario Reggio Association.
  6. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  8.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  9.  There were 1 serious occurrence reported to the Board.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury Executive Director

March  5, 2018

  1. The majority of our Board Meeting was a Governance, Stewardship and Accountability Presentation by Nancy Draper.
  2.  The Board was updated on the change  of  Minister of Community and Social Services.  Minister Jaczek has been moved to the Ministry of Health and Michael Coteau  has become the Minister of Community and Social Services, in addition to his role as Minister of Children and Youth Services and Minister responsible for Anti-Racism.
  3. The Board  was informed that as of February 9, 2018 we are in full Ministry of Community and Social Services QAM Compliance .
  4. The Board was informed that the Ministry of Community and Social Services Agency Risk Assessments have been enhanced and will be distributed for completion by May.
  5. The Board was updated on the fiscal (one time only) allocation to Passport recipients/families and organizations to offset the cost of Bill 148.
  6. The Board was advised that a number of people we support were displaced during the flooding in Brantford in February.  All were able to stay with friends and family during the evacuation period and no one experienced damage to their home.  Our EarlyON (formerly OEYC) staff provided programming for the children staying at the emergency shelter during the evacuation.
  7. A successful Staff appreciation Event was held in February with agency staff, their families and some Board Members in attendance. (Congratulations to the award recipients and I am so sorry I was unable to attend to cheer you on!)
  8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9. The Board was provided with information on our agency Commercial/Liability Insurance and our Group insurance Renewals
  10.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  11.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  12.  There were 0 serious occurrences reported to the Board

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

February 5, 2018

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, February 5, 2018.

  1. The Board approved the new Laurier student as a Board Member
  2. The Board received an update on the M.C.S.S. Compliance review held from January 29-Feb 1/18 and the items requiring follow up.
  3. The Board  received the annual update of the External Rights Committee.
  4. The Board received an update on the Person Centred Excellence 3 Strategic Directions.
  5. The Board completed its annual review, approval and refresher of Quality Assurance Measures Directives including Mission/Vision Statement/Guiding Principles, Bill of Rights, Confidentiality Policy and Abuse Policy.
  6. The Board welcomed David Pitonyak as a guest speaker to discuss “The Importance of Belonging”.
  7. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  8. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  9. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  10. There were no serious occurrences reported to the Board.

Respectfully submitted

Debbie Cavers


December 4, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, December 4, 2017

  1. Our Supervisors and Directors of Services/Community Development attended the meeting to share meaningful stories about people/families we are involved with based on their core gifts.
  2. The Board was updated on the  Laurier student who will be joining us at our January Board Meeting.
  3. The Board  received an update on our Housing Task Force Grant.
  4. The Board was informed about the new Provincial Service System Planning Model.
  5. The Board was advised that Passport will no longer administer the funds as that function will be completed out of Toronto and called PassportONE.
  6.  The Board received a brief on Bill 148 and the potential implications for the Developmental Sector.
  7.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  8.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  9.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  10.  There were 4 serious occurrences reported to the Board.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Reansbury,  Executive Director

November 6, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, November 6, 2017

  1. The majority of the Board Meeting was a presentation by John Lord entitled “Towards a New Story – Independent Facilitation”.
  2. The Board was updated on the  Laurier student who will be joining us at the December Board Meeting.
  3. The Board received an update on my meeting with Dave Levac where I expressed my serious concern regarding the lack of new funding to our agency in over 9 years.
  4.  The Board received a brief on Bill 148 and the potential implications for the Developmental Services Sector.
  5.  Updates were provided on the Basic Income Pilot.
  6.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  8.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  9.  There were no serious occurrences reported to the Board.

Respectfully submitted, Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

October 2, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, October 2, 2017.

  1. Shaun Wood joined the Board of Directors to discuss our growing Employment Services
  2. The Board was updated on the process for us to again have a Laurier student Board Member.
  3. The Board  received an update on the Housing Task Force Grant.
  4.  Information was provided on the Basic Income Pilot.
  5.  DSO and Passport information was received by the Board.
  6.  Strategic Plan information was presented to the Board.
  7.  An overview and update on the Lylla Coxe Opportunity Fund was shared.
  8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9.  Board committees were formed for the year.
  10. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  11.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  12.  There was 1 serious occurrence reported to the Board.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director

 September 11, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, September 11, 2017.

  1. The majority of the meeting was a presentation to the Board of Directors by Bruce Anderson on Core Gifts.
  2. The Board was provided with Ministry of Community and Social Services updates from June to August;
  • Improving Access to Services for People with Developmental Disabilities
  • Provincial Employment Strategy Launch
  • Annual DS Compliance Update
  • Thriving Communities: Our Way Forward
  • Phase ll Multi-Year Residential Planning for Developmental Services
  • Draft Regulation to Designate Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act 2007
  • Community Networks of Specialized Care Refreshed Mandate
  1. The Board received information on Bill 148.
  2. The Board was updated on our recent visitors who came to learn about our services.
  3. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  4. The Board was provided with an update on the recent minor capital funding approvals.
  5. The Board was updatedon the people we are supporting through Passport funding.
  6. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were 0 serious occurrences reported.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


 June 5, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, June 5, 2017.

  1. The majority of the meeting was a presentation to the Board of Directors by Michael Kendrick – How Your Organization Can Impact on Quality “One Person at a Time”.
  2. The Board was provided with a copy of our Provincial Network’s letter to the Premier regarding the Provincial Budget and the lack of base funding to our organization in over 8 years.
  3. The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2016.
  4.  The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  5.  The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  6.  The Board was provided with an update on the Provincial Basic Income Pilot.
  7.  The Board was updated  on the Ministry’s Performance Measures Framework.
  8.  An update was provided on Community Living Ontario’s  strategic priorities
  9.  The Board was informed that there was one no policy exemptions granted during the 2016-2017 year.
  10.  The Board completed their Annual Self-Evaluation
  11.  The Board received a Nominating Committee Report.
  12.  The Board approved new and existing memberships.
  13.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  14.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  15.  There was 1 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for the month of May

Respectfully submitted

 Janet Reansbury,  Executive Director


May 1, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, May 1, 2017.

  1. The Board was updated on the 2017 Ontario Budget.
  2. Information was shared about the Provincial Basic Income Pilot.
  3. The Board was updated  on the Ministry’s Performance Measures Framework.
  4. Information on the potential class action lawsuit re. waiting lists was provided.
  5. The Board was updated on the Family Members – Queen’s Park Rally to highlight the gaps in funding when youth turn 18.
  6. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7. An update was provided on the status of the Employment and Modernization and Trillium Proposals.
  8. The Board approved new memberships.
  9. The Board received a Nominating Committee Report.
  10. The Board reviewed the Community Living Ontario Call for Resolutions and By-Law Amendments.
  11. The Board approved new and existing memberships.
  12. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  13. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  14. There was 1 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for the month of April.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


April 3, 2017

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, April 3, 2017.

  1. New member Becky Chapple was appointed to this year’s Board and a potential new member for next year’s Board attended as a guest
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board received the minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting.
  4. The Board reviewed and approved the Ministry Budget for the 2017/18 year
  5. The Board was provided with an Ombudsman update.
  6. The Board was informed that the Law Commission of Ontario has rejected the proposals to advance the rights of people with an intellectual disability.
  7.  The Board was updated on the recent allocation of Passport funds (individualized funding).
  8.  The Board was provided information from the Ministry of Community and Social Services outlining their new prioritization tool for all supports and services.
  9.  An update was provided on the status of the Employment and Modernization and Trillium Proposals
  10.  The Board was updated on our successful Employment Summit
  11.  The Board approved new memberships.
  12.  The Board received a Nominating Committee Report.
  13.  The Board approved the revised governance Policy and Procedures.
  14. The Board approved new and existing memberships.
  15.  The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  16.  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  17.  There were 2 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for the month of March.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


March 6, 2017

  1. The Board had a presentation by our Insurance Company and our Insurance Broker followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.
  2. Joe Erpenbeck provided the Board with an update on his Community Development work with us.
  3. The Board was updated on the results and status of our recent Ministry QAM Compliance Review.
  4. The Board was informed that as part of our involvement in the Safety Group Program we are having a WSIB Audit in March.
  5. An update from the Ministry of Community and Social Services outlined their actions on some of the recommendations from the Ombudsman Report.
  6. The Board was given an overview of the revised mandate of the Networks of Specialized Care.
  7. The Board was informed that as a result of the Lifeshare (formerly Associate Family)  Launch and the Expositor article we have had 3 new inquiries of people possibly interested in becoming Lifesharers.
  8. An update was provided on the new proposals that were submitted in December.
  9. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  10. The Board reviewed their Governance Fiduciary Responsibilities and the Ministry Transfer Payment Business Cycle.
  11. The Board received a Nominating Committee Report.
  12. The Board approved the revised governance Policy and Procedures.
  13. The Board approved new and existing memberships.
  14. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  15. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  16. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for the month of February.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


January 3, 2017

  1. The Board  welcomed in 2017 with the  Management Team sharing amazing stories of relationships, connections, jobs and accomplishments. Our Board is very appreciative to all staff for the supports we provide!!  Well Done and Thank You All!!
  2. An update was provided on the Provincial Network on Developmental Services Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance 2017 Budget with the two key themes being the investment into organizations to ensure the stability of supports and services and the investment into new services for people to expand capacity.
  3. The Board was given an overview of the recent Provincial Housing Forum.
  4. The Board was informed that the official launch of  Lifeshare (formerly Host Family/Associate Family) is January 9, 2017
  5. An update was provided on the on the new proposals that were submitted in December.
  6. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  7. The Board approved the Community Living Brant Membership Form.
  8. The Board was updated on the DSCIS (Developmental Services Consolidated Information System) Pilot electronic information system used by the DSO’s.
  9. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  10. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  11. There were 0 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for December.
  12. The Board reviewed the Serious Occurrence/Restraint statistics for the past five years.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


November 28, 2016

  1. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Board received a Human Resources Update.
  3. A Health and Safety Update was provided.
  4. An Information Systems Report was received by the Board.
  5. The Board received a Property Report.
  6. Statistics on the number of people receiving services was provided to the Board.
  7. Information was provided to the Board on a proposed Basic Income Pilot for the Province – a way to lift people out of poverty.
  8. The Board was updated on the DSCIS (Developmental Services Consolidated Information System) Pilot electronic information system used by the DSO’s.
  9. The Board was updated on the Provincial Presence to Citizenship Project that we are a part of.
  10. The Board was updated on the upcoming Lifeshare Launch.
  11. Information was provided on the Coalition for Alternatives for Guardianship.
  12. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  13. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  14. There were 0 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for November.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


September 26, 2016

  1. The majority of the meeting was an engaging “Employment” presentation and discussion with Shaun Wood who is here doing training with us this week.
  2. The Board was updated on the ongoing changes at the Dunn and the transition planning packages that are required by the ministry.
  3. The Board was informed that we had a number of self-advocates chosen to attend the Ministry of Community and Social Services Performance Measures Framework Focus Groups.
  4. The Board was updated on the Provincial Presence to citizenship Project that we are a part of.
  5. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6. The Board was informed that the new call for Modernization and Employment Proposals has been received with a submission date of December 19th.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  9. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.
  10. There were 0 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry.

    Respectfully submitted

    Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


September 12, 2016

  1. The Board was informed that the Minister of Community and Social Services asked me to represent the Developmental Services Sector on an Income Security Reform Working Group at Queen’s Park over the next year.  This is an honour and I am hopeful that we can make some long overdue changes to both ODSP and Ontario Works.
  2. The Board was provided with a brief overview of the Ombudsman Report (note: link to full report and recommendations is on our website).
  3. The Board was updated on our  Ministry of Community and Social Services “Associate Family” filming and participation in “Lifeshare Launch” (more news to come on this in the coming weeks)
  4. The Board was provided with an overview of our “Housing” partnership with the City of Brantford.
  5. The Board was updated on the ongoing changes at the Dunn.
  6. The Board was informed that the Parents Group met twice over the summer to formulate a response to the Ministry of Community and Social Services Performance Measures Framework.
  7. The Board reviewed and approved the Ministry of Community and Social Services Agency Risk Assessment for submission.  (note: we have been deemed low risk).
  8. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  9. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  10. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  11. The Board was updated on the one time funding received over the summer to be used specifically for the Dunn and Head Office Parking lots, the roof at the Dunn and fencing at Harley.
  12. The Board  formed Nominating and Audit Committees.
  13. The Board discussed the proposed resolution for debate at the CLOntario AGM
  14. The Board was updated on the successful Golf tournament held in August
  15. The Board Self-evaluation results from last year were reviewed and the plan for the board year was established
  16. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.
  17. There were 3 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for June, July and August 2016.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


April 25, 2016

  1. The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2015.
  2. The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  3. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  4. The Board received an update on the Law Commission and Legal Capacity and Guardianship.
  5. Information was provided on MCSS ReportON and next steps.
  6. The Board was updated on the Ministry Associate Family Brand Identity as well as our potential involvement in their marketing roll out.
  7. Information was provided on Ministry next steps in Phase II Multi-Year Planning.
  8. A DSO update was provided.
  9. The Board was informed about a Community Living Ontario discussion paper.
  10. The Board was informed that there were no policy exemptions granted during the 2015-2016 year.
  11. The Board was updated on the changes at the Dunn.
  12. Information was provided on our facilitation involvement and future steps.
  13. The Ombudsman Report is in draft and due to be released to the public in July of this year.
  14. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  15. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  16. There was 1 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for May.Respectfully submittedJanet Reansbury, Executive Director


April 25, 2016

  1. The Board had an informative presentation from Michael Kendrick.
  2. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board reviewed  correspondence from MP Phil McColeman following a meeting that occurred with him regarding the Proposed Safeguard Standards Protecting People from Physician Assisted Suicide.
  4. The Board received information regarding Community Living Day activities for the month of May being done by CLBrant and CLOntario.
  5. An update was provided on the Provincial Housing Task Force new digital booklet, which includes information on our project.
  6. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were 2 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for April.


Respectfully submitted

Debbie Cavers, Senior Director of Quality and Organizational Development



April 4, 2016

  1. As it is “National Volunteer Week”, the Board of Directors was thanked for their time and commitment to Community Living Brant.
  2. The Board was updated on the very successful visit by Minister Jaczek.
  3. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  4. The Board received the minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting.
  5. The Board reviewed and approved the Ministry Budget for the 2016/17 year.
  6. The Board reviewed their Governance Fiduciary Responsibilities and the Ministry Transfer Payment Business Cycle.
  7. An update on our Governance policies and protocols was provided.
  8. Discussion on the Proposed Safeguard Standards Protecting People from Physician Assisted Suicide took place and direction provided for our upcoming meeting with MP Phil McColeman.
  9. The Board was provided with an overview of the Provincial budget and possible impacts.
  10. The Board was informed about the new ReportON process.
  11. An update on the Ministry Matching and Linking Tool was provided.
  12. The Board was updated on our potential involvement in the Ministry’s Associate Family Brand Identity and Marketing Campaign.
  13. Information was provided on the most recent round of Passport funding.
  14. The Board was informed that we were chosen to participate in a Ministry Survey of Personal Outcomes for People.
  15. An update was provided on the next round of Housing Task force submissions.
  16. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  17. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  18. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for March.
  19. Following the meeting, the Board took the time to tour the Dunn Building, and were very pleased with what they saw.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


March 2016

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, March 7, 2016.

  1. The Board enjoyed a presentation by Joe Erpenbeck on Asset Based Community Development.
  2. The Board was informed that we were successful in achieving our Quality Assurance Measures Ministry Compliance.
  3. The Board received an update on the new Class Action Lawsuit.
  4. The Board was updated on the Ministry Associate Family Brand Identity and Marketing Session as well as our potential involvement in their Research Project.
  5. Information was provided on our “Employment for Youth who Experience Autism” Grant.
  6. The Board was informed that we are hoping to participate in a Ministry Survey of Personal Outcomes for People.
  7. The Board was updated on the most recent round of Passport funding.
  8. Information was provided on the current waiting list for services.
  9. The Board was updated on the Temporary Supports to Families funding.
  10. The Board was updated on the Ministry’s stand on moving forward with evolving sheltered workshops.
  11. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  12. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  13. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  14. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for February.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


February 2016

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday,  February 1, 2015.

  1. The Board had a presentation by our Insurance Company and our Insurance Broker followed by an opportunity for question and answer
  2. The Board received an update on our newest grant “Employment for Youth who Experience Autism” and our involvement with a local marketing firm who will help us with the advertising for young people to participate.
  3. The Board was updated on the Ministry:
  • Consultations in their development of an outcome-focused, province-wide performance measurement framework
  • Improvement to the Matching and Linking Process through the DSO
  • “Host Family” Brand Identity and Marketing
  1. The Board was updated on the upcoming changes at Gillin as the people who lived there are moving on in their lives to try new things.
  1. Upcoming agency training was outlined:
  • Facilitation train-the-trainer
  • Employment Training
  • Asset Based Community Development Training
  1. The Board was informed that Ministry compliance will be the week of February 29th
  1. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board completed their annual reviews of the Quality Assurance Measures: Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Guiding Principles; the Bill of Rights; the Privacy of Information and Confidentiality Policy; and the Abuse Policy.
  1. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  1. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  1. There were 0 serious occurrences and  1 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for January.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


November 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, November 23, 2015.

  1. The Board was updated on CQL’s recommendation for us to receive a 4 year Accreditation – they are very PROUD!
  2. The Board received a Human Resources Update.
  3. The Board was updated on the ministry’s multi-year planning for Developmental Services.
  4. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  5. The Board was informed that we had another successful year with health and safety through our participation in the Safety Group.
  6. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for November.

            After the business meeting Mary Kealy joined the Board for some meaningful conversation and idea sharing.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


November 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, November 2, 2015.

  1. Reach Out Self- Advocate’s group provided a great presentation to the Board on their work as a committee and future goals.
  2. The Board welcomed and approved Philip Scott as a new Board Member.
  3. The Board received an update on  the agency’s upcoming CQL Person Centred Excellence Accreditation and future strategic directions.
  4. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  5. The Board was updated on the Agency’s Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for October.


Respectfully submitted

Debbie Cavers, Senior Director of Quality, Organizational Development



October 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, October 5, 2015.


  1. The Board was updated on the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act proclamation status.The Board received a Human Resources Update.
  2. A Health and Safety Update was provided.
  3. An Information Systems Report was received by the Board.
  4. The Board received a Property Report.
  5. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  6. A Health and Safety Update was provided to the Board.
  7. Statistics on the number of people receiving services was provided to the Board.
  8. The Board was updated on the on the approved Resolution at the Community Living Ontario AGM.
  9. The Board was updated on the new Passport guidelines
  10. Information on the new draft Host Family/Associate Family Compliance Regulations was provided.
  11. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  12. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  13. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for September.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


September 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2015.

  1. The Board was updated on the Provincial Institution Class Action Lawsuit.
  1. The Board was provided with an overview of our grant approvals.
  1. The Board was informed that we continue to wait for news on the  Ministry of Child and Youth Services Employment for Youth who Experience Autism Grant.
  1. An Accreditation update provided
  1. The Board was provided with highlights from the Provincial Network
  1. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  1. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  1. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board Succession Plan was approved
  1. The Board  formed Nominating and Audit Committees.
  1. The Board discussed the proposed resolution for debate at the CLO AGM
  1. The Board was updated on the successful Golf tournament held in August
  1. The Board Plan for the year was established
  1. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.
  1. There was 1 serious occurrence and  2 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for June, July and August.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


June 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, June 1, 2015.


  1. Highlights of the 2014/15 Board Year were presented.
  1. The Board reviewed and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2014.
  1. The Board was provided with an overview of the review of the financial records of people who receive services.
  1. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board was updated on our Ministry Risk Assessment which will be due in September.
  1. The Board was given an overview of the recent Ministry of Community and Social Services West Region Forum.
  1. The Board was informed about a potential pilot through the Ministry of Child and Youth Services involving employment for young people who experience autism.
  1. The DSO’s strategic priorities were presented to the Board.
  1. The Board was updated on the revisions that the Ministry of Community and Social Services is making to the Compliance Monitoring Framework.
  1. The Board was informed that there was one policy exemptions this year.
  1. The Board discussed governance follow-up from our session with Nancy Draper.
  1. A Summary of the Board Recommendations for 2014/15 were received.
  1. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.
  1. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  1. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  1. There were 0 serious occurrence and  1 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for May.

Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


May 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, May 4, 2015.


  1. The Board was provided with an overview of our Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) Accreditation journey.
  1. The Board was provided with an overview on the Ontario Early Years Centre’s development and copyright of Quality Measures Tools for Early Learning and Child Care – 140 people attended the launch of this process, which has the support of the Ministry of Education and the Brant Local Steering Committee.
  1. The Board was updated on the Employment and Modernization Fund Grant.
  1. The Board was informed that we are one of 10 agencies across the Province who have been asked by the Ministry to share our Best Practices.
  1. The Board was informed that we submitted an “Imaginative Living Options” proposal to the Housing Task Force of the Ministry.
  1. The Board was updated on Michael Kendrick’s return to Brantford in June for our AGM, as well as to provide some additional training.
  1. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board was informed that the Ombudsman’s investigation is wrapping up and his report is being prepared for the fall.
  1. The Board was provided with information on our involvement with Passport Funding for 2015/2016.
  1. The Board was informed about the Community Living Ontario Call for Nominations, Resolutions and By-Law Amendments.
  1. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.
  1. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  1. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  1. There was 1 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for April.


Respectfully submitted

Janet Reansbury, Executive Director


April 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, April 6, 2015.

1. The majority of this evening’s Board Meeting was a Governance Session with Nancy Draper and Board Members from other local Social Service Agencies.

2. The 2015/16 Budget was approved by the Board.

3. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.

4. The Board was updated on the Ministry’s Developmental Services Consolidated Information System for matching and linking.

5. The Board was updated on our recent Associate Family Appreciation evening.

6. The Board was informed that the Ombudsman’s investigation is wrapping up and his report is being drafted.

7. The Board was provided with statistics on the Passport Funding for 2014/2015 for our Region and in Brant.

8. The Board was update on the Michael Kendrick/Mary Kealy training.

9. The Board was updated on the Ministry sponsored Mapping Session at Queen’s re: Host Families/Associate Families Programs.

10. The board was informed that we have still received no further information re. particvipating in a 2-year demonstration pilot to provide employment supports to youth with autism (up to 30 years old).

11. The Board was updated on the upcoming call for proposal through the Developmental Services Housing Task Force.

12. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.

13. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.

14. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

15. There were 0 serious occurrence and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for March.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Reansbury

Executive Director




February 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, February 23, 2015.

1. The majority of this evening’s Board Meeting was a presentation and conversation with Michael Kendrick.

2. The Board received the Recommendations and Summary sent from the Provincial Network on Developmental Services to the Minister of Finance as he prepared the 2015 Budget.

3. The Board was informed that the Ombudsman’s investigation is wrapping up and his report is being drafted.

4. The Board was provided with statistics on the Passport Funding for 2014/2015 for our Region and in Brant.

5. The Board was informed that Janet will be participating in an “invitation only” Ministry sponsored Mapping Session at Queen’s re: Host Families/Associate Families Programs.

6. We continue to wait for news on the expression of interest we submitted to participate in a 2-year demonstration pilot to provide employment supports to youth with autism (up to 30 years old).

7. The Board was informed about the Services for Children and Youth with Special Need Strategy.

8. The Board was informed about the Brantford Expositor Article on the Sanderson Bequest, which included Janet’s response about CLBrant being a recipient of annual funds from this Bequest.

9. The Board received an update on the postponement of the implementation of the Employment-Related Benefit (ERB) through ODSP and Ontario Works.

10. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.

11. The Board was updated on the Building Assessment Reports being completed on agency and Foundation properties.

12. The Board approved the Insurance Renewal for 2015/2016.

13. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.

14. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

15. There was 1 serious occurrence and  1 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for January. The Board received statistics on the serious occurrences which occurred between 2009 to 2014.

16. The Board approved the annual reviews of the Quality Assurance Measures: Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Guiding Principles; the Bill of Rights; the Privacy of Information and Confidentiality Policy; and the Abuse Policy.

17. The Board approved the annual review of the Operating Bylaws, the Board Governance Policies, and the agency’s policy and procedures index.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Reansbury

Executive Director



January 2015

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, January 19, 2015.

1. The majority of this evening’s Board Meeting was a presentation and conversation with David Pitonyak.

2. The Board was updated that across the province 40% of those people who would be eligible in the Class Action Lawsuit have filed a claim.

3. The Board was informed that talks re: funding increases for this year with the Ministry have concluded and now information is being gathered by the Ministry to determine distribution.

4. The Board was updated on the Capital funding that has been flowed to us from the Ministry, noting that this funding can be applied to Ministry designated items only and the work must be completed by March 31st, 2015 .

5. The Board was updated that we received funding for the Enabling Accessibility Fund proposal we submitted. We continue to wait for news on the  proposal for DS Employment and Modernization funding we submitted last fall.

6. The Board was updated on the training grants we received enabling us to have Michael Kendrick and David Pitonyak working with us before fiscal year end.

7. The Board was informed about the recent changes to the Ombudsman’s mandate.

8. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.

9. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.

10. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

11. There was 1 serious occurrences and  1 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for December.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Cavers

Senior Director of Quality, Organizational Development &OEYC:Brant


December 2014

The following is an update from the Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, December 1, 2014.

1. The majority of this evenings Board Meeting were presentations by  The Management Team. Amazing stories were shared about things most important to people, relationships, connections and accomplishments. The Board is very appreciative to all staff for the supports we provide!!!  Well Done and Thank You All!!

2. The Board was updated that the Class Action Lawsuit claims from 19 people receiving services through Community Living Brant  were sent registered mail before the Nov 30th deadline however there is still no word as to how quickly these settlements will be dispersed.  Commemorative plaques have now been placed at the three institution sites.

3. The Board was informed that talks are still occurring with the Ministry in Toronto regarding any funding increases for this year but at this point there are still no details available.

4. The Board was updated on the appointment of The Honourable David C. Onley as a special advisor on accessibility to champion opportunities for people of all abilities in Ontario in both the public and private sectors.

5. The Board was updated that we received funding for two of the  recent proposals we submitted:

  • ODSP Employment supports Short-Term Services Training Pilot Project – funding to assist people involved with ODSP–Employment Supports to access short-term training re. employability
  • Building Capacity for Passport Services Fund –  a 2-year collaborative proposal with Brantwood and Family Counselling Centre to host Passport fairs and develop promotional material.

We are hoping to hear this week whether we were successful  with our proposal for DS Employment and Modernization funding.

6. The Board was updated on the ministry’s move of the former Cumberland St. house to Brantwood.

7. The Board was updated on the Passport Funding which continues  to flow to people/families with a number of them choosing to purchase their services from us.

8. The Board was informed that we received official notification and are now in full compliance with the Ministry Quality Assurance Measures .

9. The Board was notified that we successfully completed a WSIB 2-year payroll audit.

10. The Board was notified that a Special Needs  Strategy is being rolled out for the children’s sector similar to our transformation.

11. The Financial Update was received by the Board of Directors.

12. Community Living Brant general memberships were approved.

13. The Board was updated on Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.

14. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

15. There were 0 serious occurrences and  0 use of restraints reported to the Ministry for November.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Reansbury

Executive Director



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