Board of Directors’ Meeting Updates

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on Monday, May 13, 2024 

The Board received a presentation by the Director of Supports and Services, Katie Gard, on the following: Passport/Individualized Funding; Pathways Services; Rights and Lylla Cox Fund

The Board received and approved the Financial Report for the period ending March 31st, 2024, presented by Senior Director, Kathryn Dubicki.

The Board received and approved the Executive Director’s report presented by Cristin Ladner

The Board was informed that Officer positions for the Board for 2024/2025 will be confirmed at the Board meeting on June 27th.

The Board was informed of Community Living Ontario’s 71st Annual General Meeting, which will be held on September 17th , 2024.  Those wishing to represent Community Living Brant as our Voting Delegate were asked to put forward their name by the next Board Meeting.  Calls for Resolutions and Bylaws were also extended to the Board, as was the invitation to become a member of Community Living Ontario’s Board of Directors.           

The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.

 There were 6 serious occurrences in April.

Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on February 5 and April 8, 2024.  The March 4 meeting was cancelled.  

  • The Board received a presentation from Saedie Martino and Karah Plante on Harm Reduction, and how this approach is used with the people we support.
  • Scott Murray, from Cowan Insurance, joined Senior Director, Kathryn Dubicki, to deliver an insurance presentation to the Board.
  • Updates were provided on our Strategic Plan, Asset-Based Community Development and the Family Caregiver Network, as well as the wrap-up of Belonging Brant.
  • The Board received and approved the Executive Director’s reports as presented.
  • The Board reviewed and approved its Risk Management Plan.
  • The Board approved Jim MacAlpine and Matthew Marriott for Membership in the Corporation and appointment to the Board of Directors of the Corporation effective immediately for 2 year terms.
  • Financial updates were received and approved by the Board each month.
  • The Board received the following reports from Kathryn Dubicki, Senior Director:

-     Human Resources and Health and Safety

-     Property and Information Systems Update

-     People Receiving Services Summary

-     Transfer Payment Cycle

-     Fiduciary Responsibilities

  • The Board ratified their e-mail votes for Recommendations of the approval of the renewal of the General Insurance Program for Community Living Brant with Intact Public Entities and CFC (Cyber) for 2024/2025, as well as the renewal of Membership in the Corporation for April 1st 2024 to March 31st , 2025.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 6 serious occurrences in January, 1 in February and 3 in March.

Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on January 8th, 2024

  1. The Board accepted the Executive Director’s report as presented.
  2. The Board was informed of recent shifts in the Management team.
  3. The Board completed their annual refresher of the following:
    1. Quality Assurance Measures Directives
      1. Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Guiding Principles
      2. Bill of Rights
      3. Abuse Policy 8.19
      4. Privacy of Information and Confidentiality Policy 6.1
    2. Agency Policy and Procedures Index
    3. Governance Policy and Procedures Index
    4. Bylaws of the Corporation Index
  1. The Board was updated on the Ratification of the Collective Agreement.
  2. The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial report for December.
  3.  The Board was updated on all future risks to the organization and our responses.
  4. There was 1 Serious Occurrence reported for the month of December.

Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on December 4, 2023

  1. The Board accepted the Executive Director’s report as presented.
  2. The Board was informed of the appointment of Danielle Woodcock to the position of Permanent Manager.
  3. The Board was updated on the status of current residential planning in keeping with preparations for Journey to Belonging.
  4. The Board was updated on the status of negotiations with CLB’s bargaining unit.
  5. The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial Report for November.
  6.  The Board was updated on all future risks to the organization and our responses.
  7. There were 3 Serious Occurrences reported for the month of November.
  8. The Board accepted the resignation of Zile Ozols and wished her all the best in her move to Prince Edward Island.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on November 6th, 2023

  1. The Board accepted the Executive Director’s report as presented.
  2. The Board reviewed the results of their 2022/2023 self-evaluations and discussed priorities for the 2023/2024 year.
  3. The Board received an update from Director Duncan Ross on his role as voting delegate at the Community Living Ontario Annual General Meeting and Conference held on September 27th.
  4. The Board formally confirmed their e-mail votes from October’s postponed board meeting.  These votes approved 2 banking recommendations outlined in the presented financial report.
  5. The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial report for September.
  6.  The Board was updated on all future risks to the organization and our responses.
  7. There were 7 Serious Occurrences reported for the months of September/October.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director


The October 2, 2023, meeting was cancelled.


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on September 11th, 2023:

  1. The Board accepted the Audit Managment Letter to the Board with no outstanding issues identified by the Auditing Firm, Millards.
  2. The Board approved Committee members for the following: Audit Committee, Executive Director’s Performance Evaluation Committee, and Negotiations Committee
  3. The Board approved the appointment of Lonnie Johnson to the Board of Directors for 2023/2024.
  4. The Board approved contracts for Snow Removal, as well as a lease agreement with XEROX.
  5. The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial report for June.
  6. Voting Delegate for the upcoming 70th Community Living Ontario Conference and AGM was informed of the Proposed Bylaw Amendments.
  7.  The Board was updated on all future risks to the organization and our responses.
  8. There were 13 Serious Occurrences reported for the months of June, July, and August.


Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on June 5, 2023 

  • Sara Collyer, Director of Community Development and Support Services, presented updates on the following:Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation; Strategic Plan; Mental Health Wellness Initiative and Core Gifts
  • Kathryn Dubicki, Senior Director, presented the following:- Draft audited financial statements to be reviewed by the Audit Committee on June 21st.;   2023/2023 Budgets for MCCSS, EarlyON, and Association Operations ; and an update on the status of our Collective Agreement and Information regarding upcoming vehicle lease renewals
  1. The Board was informed of Policy Exemptions given over the past year.
  2. The Board was updated on Belonging Brant, and the success of its 5th Symposium held on May 31st.
  3. Duncan Ross, Board Member and Golf Committee Member, presented an update on CLB’s 35th Annual Circle of Friends Golf Tournament, which takes place on August 18th.
  4. The Board accepted resignation letters from 4 Board Members who have completed their terms as of June 2023, and one resignation due to personal reasons.
  5. The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial report for May.
  6.  The Board was updated on all future risks to the organization and our responses.
  7. There were 3 Serious Occurrences reported for the month of May.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on May 1st, 2023

  • Katie Gard, Director of Supports and Services, updated the Board on the following:
    1. -Passports/Individualized Funding
    2. -Pathways Services (presentation by individual supported, and Support Worker, Ryan dela Rosa
    3. Rights Committee
    4. Lylla Cox Fund
  • The Board was updated on the new COVID-19 guidelines implemented on April 19th, which followed the direction of MCCSS.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • The Board was updated on Belonging Brant, and planning for May’s ABCD Symposium and Jane’s Walks.
  • The Board reviewed and accepted the Financial report for April.
  • There were 4 Serious Occurrences reported for the month of April.

Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on April 3rd, 2023.

  • The Financial Statements for the period ended February 28th, 2023 were presented and accepted
  • The Board was updated on CLB’s new Program Supervisor with the Ministry, as well as Kathryn Dubicki’s new role as Senior Director.
  • The Board approved the renewal of the General Insurance Program for CLB with Intact Public Entities and CFC for 2023/2024, as  well as the renewal of CLB’s contract with Enviro Masters for the 2023 lawn care services.
  • The Board received an update from Duncan Ross on the status of CLB’s Annual Golf Tournament (August 18th , 2023).
  • The Board approved the applications for Memberships in the Corporation for April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 7 serious occurrences in March.

Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on March 6th, 2023.

  • Kathryn Dubicki, Director of Administration and Finance, attended to present the following reports:
  •             -     Financial Summary and Financial Statements – January 2023
  •             -     People Receiving Services Summary Report
  •             -     Human Resources and Health and Safety Report
  •             -     Property and Information Systems Update
  •             -     Transfer Payment Cycle and Fiduciary Responsibilities Overview
  • The Board was updated on the results of CLB’s MCCSS Compliance Review, which took place February 21st -24th and that the agency was successful in achieving full compliance.
  • The Board was updated on all recent agency training, and received information regarding CLB’s work in preparing for Journey to Belonging.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 0 serious occurrences in February.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, February 6, 2023

Rishia Burke, Director, Supports and Community Development, EarlyOn Child and Family Centre Brant,  presented to the Board on Family Groups, ABCD and the Belonging Brant Project.

  • The Board reviewed the Serious Occurrence Analysis and 5-year comparison data.
  • The Board supported Thursday, June 29th,  2023, as the date for this year’s AGM.
  • The Board received the Financial Report for January 2023.
  •  The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 5 serious occurrences in December.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, January 9th, 2023.

Scott Murray, from Cowan Insurance, was in attendance to provide information regarding current trends and future projections in the industry.

  • Rishia Burke, Director of Community Development and Supports, provided the Board with an overview of developing community initiatives.
  • The Board reviewed Quality Assurance Measures Directives, as well as the Agency’s Policies and Procedures Index, Governance Policies and Procedures Index and Bylaws of the Corporation Index.
  • The Board reviewed the current composition of its members and noted terms coming to an end in 2023.
  • Financial updates for December were received and presented by Kathryn Dubicki, Director of Administration and Support Services.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 6 serious occurrences in December.

 Respectfully submitted,  Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on Monday, December 5, 2022 :

  •  The Board met with CLB Supervisors, EarlyON Manager, and Directors to discuss supports and services, and to review the events of 2022.
  • The Board was informed of the current impact COVID-19 is having on our agency (current outbreaks, staff shortages, etc.)
  • The Board received an update on the overturning of Bill 124 and the Government’s plan to challenge the decision.
  • The Board received a MCCSS “Journey to Belonging” update.
  • Financial updates for November were received by the Board.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 5 serious occurrences in November.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner,  Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on November 7th, 2022.

  • Sara Collyer, Director, provided the Board with an update on the Person-Centred Excellence Strategic Plan,
  • The Board reviewed the Financial Report on the Financial Statements and Financial Summary for the period ended September 30, 2022.
  • The Board was updated on other Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 5 Serious Occurrences for the month of October.
  • The Board was updated on Belonging Brant and the 19 citizen-led groups that have been established since its beginning.

Respectfully submitted, Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on October 3rd, 2022

  • The Board received an update on CLB’s DEI commitment and progress to date, presented by Mending the Chasm’s Leena Sharma Seth.
  • The Board reviewed the Financial report on the Financial Statements and Financial Summary for the period ended August 31st , 2022.
  • The Board gave approval for 2 contracts related to repairs and ongoing maintenance.
  • The Board received the Voting Delegate’s Report on Community Living Ontario’s 69th Annual General Meeting held September 14th , 2022.
  • The Board was updated on other Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  •  The Board was grateful for the opportunity to visit with people supported and staff who expressed an interested in meeting them.  They look forward to more of these opportunities in the future.
  • There was 1 Serious Occurrence reported for the month of September.

Cristin Ladner, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on September 12th, 2022:

  • The Board was updated on the Permanent Wage Enhancement and its effect on Pay Equity.
  • Sara Collyer, Director, provided the Board with an update on the ODSP Employment Support Program through FedCap.
  • The Board reviewed the Financial Report on the Financial Statements and Financial Summary for the period ended July 31, 2022.
  •  The Board approved members of the 2022/2023 Audit Committee, Negotiations Committee and Executive Director’s Performance Evaluation Committee.
  • The Board’s Annual Self-Evaluation for 2021/2022 was reviewed and recommendations for 2022/2023 were made.
  • Board was updated on other Agency Legislative and Contractual Compliance.
  • The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  • There were 2 Serious Occurrences in June, 2 Serious Occurrences in July and 4 Serious Occurrences in August reported to the Ministry.

Cristin Ladner, Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on June 6, 2022

  1. The Board received an update  and presentation from  Sara Collyer, Director, on our Person-Centred Excellence Strategic Plan and CQL 18-month accreditation report.
  2. Sara Collyer provided the Board with an update on the ODSP Employment Support Program through FedCap.
  3. The Board discussed their voting delegate from CLBrant who will attend the Community Living Ontario annual meeting on September 12, 2022.
  4. The Board reviewed its summary of recommendations for 2021/22.
  5. The Board made a motion to support Wiillowbridge and the new Riverside Community Hub to register as a new non-profit organization to solely serve the Riverside Hub organization, knowing that a charitable status application will also be prepared.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There was  1 serious occurrence in May .

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on May 2, 2022

  1. The Board received an update  and presentation from Cristin Ladner, Senior Director, on our Lylla Cox Opportunities Fund, Rights Committee, and Core Gifts.
  2. Information was shared with the Board regarding upcoming Board Officer positions in June 2022.
  3. Discussion was held about Community Living Ontario’s Annual General Meeting being held September 14th in regards to resolutions and nominations to that Board.
  4. An update on the agency’s Circle of Friends Golf Tournament being held Friday, August 12th, was provided to the Board.
  5. The financial update was received by the Board.
  6. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  7. There were  6 serious occurrences in April .

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director

The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on March 7th and April 4th, 2022 

  1. In March, the Board received its annual Financial and Administrative  Support Services updates and reports.  This included reports for: Financial, Property and Information Systems, Human Resources and Health and Safety,  People Receiving Service Summary, Governance Fiduciary Responsibilities and Transfer Payment Cycle.
  2. The Board received an update on the Mending The Chasm – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion upcoming educational sessions and facilitated dialogues.
  3. In April, the Board had an informative presentation and report from Sara Collyer, Director,  regarding CL Brant’s Mental Health Wellness Initiatives.
  4. The Board received a MCCSS “Journey to Belonging” update and presentation.
  5. The Board reviewed and approved its Risk Management Plan.
  6. Financial updates were received by the Board each month.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency
  8. There were 5 serious occurrences in February  and 3 in March.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on January 10th and February 7th, 2022 :

  1. In January, the Board had a presentation and update on insurance trends  from  Scott Murray from Cowan Insurance.
  2. In February  the Board  had a very informative and positive  presentation from Rishia Burke, Director, on the current status of our ABCD work (including the Belonging Brant initiative) and the work of our various family groups.
  3. The Board completed its annual review and refresher of the following as required under QAM:  Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Guiding Principles;  Bill of Rights;  Abuse Policy and Procedures; and Privacy of Information and Confidentiality Policy and Procedures
  4.  Financial updates were received by the Board.
  5. The Board received an update on the launch of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion project underway with Mending The Chasm.
  6. The Board received and reviewed a Funding Accountability Chart, which outlined key responsibilities of the Board of Directors.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were  8 serious occurrences in December and 14 in January (12 of the 14 were related to the 2 COVID outbreaks) reported to the Ministry.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on November 1 and December 6, 2021 :

  1. At the November meeting, the Board had a presentation and received a detailed update regarding  the current status and outcomes of CL Brant’s Person Centred Excellence Strategic Plan by Sara Collyer, Director.
  2. At the December meeting, the Full Management Team held its annual presentation to the Board regarding the various accomplishments and stories of success involving people we support and various services of the agency.
  3. The Board approved the addition  of three new Board members over the last two months and is very excited to have the new members join.  The new members are:   Zile Ozols, Tricia Klunder, and Duncan Ross.
  4. At the December meeting, the Board received greetings and an update from Leanne Bebee, our Program Supervisor with the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services.
  5. The Board received an update from a Board member’s experience in completing a Core Gift Interview and developing her Core Gift Statement with one of our Core Gift Master Facilitators.
  6. Financial Updates were received by the Board.
  7. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  8. There were 2 serious occurrences reported  for  the months of October and November.

Debbie Cavers, Executive Director


The following is an update from the Board of Directors’ Meetings held on September 13 and October 4, 2021 :

  1. The Board had presentations from guest speakers both months.  In September, the Board heard from Joe Roberts, SkidRow CEO, regarding resiliency and well being.  In October, the Board had a presentation by Bruce Anderson from the Core Gift Institute  on the impact of the  Hope at Work training within CL Brant.
  2. An update was provided  by Cristin Ladner, Director, to the Board on CL Brant’s Core Gift work and a Community Support Services update .
  3. Financial Updates were received by the Board.  The Board approved Enviro Masters  to complete snow removal for CL Brant.
  4. The Board reviewed and gave its support for the proposed by-law amendments, resolutions ,and board of director nominees for the Community Living Ontario Annual General Meeting held September 29th.
  5. The Board reviewed its annual self-evaluation report and approved its Board Year Plan for 2021- 2022.
  6. The Board  reviewed and gave its approval  to begin an  internal  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion project.
  7. At the October meeting , the Board approved its revised and updated Governance Policies.
  8. The Board was informed of the current and potential future risk(s) to the agency.
  9. There were  8 serious occurrences reported  for June, July, and August and 2 serious occurrences for the month of September.

Debbie Cavers,  Executive Director

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