
      • 6 JULY 2022
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      Show Off Our Colours Contest Winners

      Show Off Our Colours Contest Winners

      Community Living Month was marked in May 2022 by Community Living Brant staff and the folks that we support. We all rolled up our sleeves together and got to work to decorate our houses and neighbourhoods in the colours of green and blue to commemorate Community Living Month.

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      • 30 JUNE 2022
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      Building a Network of Support — A Q&A with Kaitlynn Gard

      Building a Network of Support — A Q&A with Kaitlynn Gard

      In the first of a series of Q&As on Doing Things Differently, we spoke with Kaitlynn Gard, the Pathways director of supports and services with Community Living Brant. We inquire into the new ways in which Community Living Brant teams are engaging and collaborating with the community and each other to foster strong and connected communities. We explore the creative thinking that brings energy to the complexity of being and doing in community.

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      • 21 JUNE 2022
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      Uncertainty Became Community at 2022 Symposium

      Uncertainty Became Community at 2022 Symposium

      At first, there was sitting in uncertainty. There were new challenging ideas. There was even some dissonance. We questioned a lot.

      As a result of the pandemic we hadn’t gathered in community for a very long time. As we began our 2022 Symposium, we had no idea who anyone was, who they were affiliated with, or where they came from.

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      • 25 MAY 2022
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      The Stone Soup of Community Development

      The Stone Soup of Community Development

      There are various versions of a fable that goes something like this: there is a community that lives in quiet disconnection, thinking it has nothing, until a stranger comes into town. He presents the only thing he has to offer to the community: a stone. Inspired, the community members offer what they have, a potato, garlic, some corn – and together the community sees it does have something! They can create a beautiful and rich broth with the gifts that each of them have to offer.

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      • 17 MAY 2022
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      LifeShare Connections Bring Joy to Life

      LifeShare Connections Bring Joy to Life

      In this Q&A-style interview, Anthony Lerno sat down with home provider, Patty, to discuss the impact that participating in the LifeShare program has had on her life. LifeShare is a program that allows participants to welcome into their home someone with developmental disabilities, and to provide a safe and welcoming living environment that fosters a

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      • 11 MAY 2022
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      Community Connects During Jane’s Walk

      Community Connects During Jane’s Walk

      For the fifth year in a row Brantford and Brant County citizens shared passion for their neighbourhoods and issues impacting their community through walking tours.

      There were 16 walks in total; an incredible show of capacity by these local folks and a wonderful contributor to this international walking festival.

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