November 2012

The focus of the Quality Enhancement Committee is to oversee agency Quality Projects and the Strategic Plan.  Over the course of the year, the results of the Basic Assurances and Shared Values through the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL), as well as feedback from a variety of focus groups, shaped the development of this plan.  The Committee has monitored and reviewed the implementation of the various work plans to achieve the identified goals.




GOAL 1:            

To support individuals who have a developmental disability to realize their aspirations for full citizenship, inclusion, and participation.


Objective 1.1 – Individualized Person-Directed Planning        

Community Living Brant will strengthen the capacity of the organization to develop individualized person-directed plans.

To date we have:

Each person receiving services from Community Living Brant has an individualized Annual Support Plan with clearly defined person directed goals.  Our personal outcome measures interview results show we have maintained a high percentage of outcomes present (2010 – 85%, 2011 – 90%), and individualized supports present (2010- 71%, 2011- 75%) for the outcome “People Choose Goals”.

Our interview results have shown that we have exceeded the goal of 70% of people we support realizing goals.  In 2011, 95% of the people interviewed had the outcome and individualized support present for the outcome on “People Realize Goals”. In the previous year, (2010) 83% of the people interviewed had the outcome and 59%  individualized support present for the outcome on “People Realize Goals”.



To date we have:

Completed the transition of the previous Community Activity Program to be a second service that offers day respite at Bell Lane to people we support and their families.

The number of people purchasing services and supports from Community Living Brant with their individualized funding through the Passports Program has tripled in the last year.

Currently, work is underway in evolving the supports at Dunn Enterprises.  Our goal is to build on the strengths of people we support to expand opportunities for employments, businesses and volunteering.

The number of people supported under the age of 30 at Dunn Enterprises has decreased in the past 3 years. The statistics for the number of people supported under the age of 30 receiving supports is as follows:

2012                    28 people

2011                    32 people

2010                    35 people



To date we have:

Through our agency planning and projects, we have seen a 28% increase in participation in social and recreational activities.

Staff and people supported completed training with Al Condeluci on building social capital.



To date we have:

The personal outcomes interview results show an increase of 16 % in the past year in the individualized support to people we support to develop social roles.  As well, results show an increase of 16 % in the past year in the individualized support to people we support to develop friendships.

REACH Out Self-Advocates’ Group has produced an “End the R Word” video to be facilitating discussion between staff, other self-advocates and the community.


To continue the commitment to excellence by enhancing the capacity of Community Living Brant to demonstrate quality.


Objective 2.1 – Continuous Quality Improvement Framework.

Community Living Brant will implement a framework for continuous quality improvement. 

To date we have:

Community Living Brant continues to update its CQL Basic Assurances Report.  There are 46 indicators that are measured under 10 factors in the Basic Assurances.  Our findings increased from 26 to 37 out of 46 indicators present in the past three years.  This has shown a 23.5 % improvement (57% to 80.5%) in our systems and practices, which is a significant accomplishment for the agency.

The largest accomplishments have been:

Implementation of abuse training for people we support and staff

Implementation of a safety audit procedure for people we support

Ongoing training to people we support for understanding the Complaints Procedure

Inclusion of people we support in the hiring practices of Community Living Brant

Establishment of a comprehensive new staff orientation process


To advance the sustainability of Community Living Brant through a committed and integrated approach to leadership continuity, risk management, employee well being and financial viability.


To date we have:

Community Living Brant has developed and implemented a Governance Succession Plan.

Succession Plan for the Executive Director for a temporary/short-term/long-term absence has been completed.



To date we have:

Community Living Brant continues to maintain a “low risk” rating on the Ministry of Community and Social Services Risk Assessment Process.



To date we have:

New staff have indicated that our comprehensive orientation has given them confidence and prepared them very well to provide quality supports.  Through a recent part-time staff survey, 92% of new part-time staff indicated that Community Living Brant’s orientation process was very comprehensive and prepared them well for their job.

Staff attendance has improved by 17% in the past year.

Objective 3.4 – Financial Viability

Community Living Brant will implement a long-term financial planning and monitoring process to ensure the viability of Community Living Brant. 

To date we have:

Community Living Brant continues to be financially viable.

The agency has tripled the number of people who are purchasing their services through Community Living Brant with their individualized funding with changes to the Passports Funding this past year.  Community Living Brant has developed Passports Funding Procedures and Guidelines to develop and maintain these service agreements.

Community Living Brant continues to receive funding from various sources for agency and community initiatives.

Debbie Cavers

Director, Quality & Organizational Development, OEYC:Brant


For more information regarding the Quality Enhancement Committee or the implementation of the Strategic Plan, please contact Debbie Cavers, Director at 519-756-2662, ext 205



January 2011

GOAL 1:            

To support individuals who have a developmental disability to realize their aspirations for full citizenship, inclusion, and participation.

Objective 1.1 – Individualized Person-Directed Planning      

Community Living Brant will strengthen the capacity of the organization to develop individualized person-directed plans.

  • Through Person-Directed Planning Innovations Fund Project, pilot group will be implementing additional person-directed planning tools from David Pitonyak to building relationships and support networks.
  • Currently staff teams are working on implementing the new Annual Support Plans and Personal Outcomes Support Plans with people.
  • Working group of staff and self-advocates are coordinating a Telling People’s Stories Workshop for everyone in May 2011.

Objective 1.2 – Flexible Day Supports

Community Living Brant will promote flexible day supports to better respond to the needs of people acquiring services with individualized funding.

  • The Community Activities Program (CAP) will develop base line data of current partnerships and potential partnerships by the end of February.
  • Within CAP, conduct outcomes interviews and surveys with people who live at home with their families to determine priorities for service and identify new opportunities by end of March.
  • CAP has implemented a small pilot to run from February to May 2011 offering extended hours of service to those identified as most in need.  The pilot will be evaluated and recommendations made as part of the CAP program review.

Objective 1.3  – Community Engagement

Community Living Brant will engage the community in providing more inclusive social and recreational opportunities for individuals who have a developmental disability. 

  • Group of staff have attended training with Al Condelucci and Community Living Mississauga on building social capital for people.
  • Will be conducting a pilot training on social capital for Community Living Brant staff through the Person-Directed Planning Innovations Fund Project, evaluating and making recommendations for broader agency training in spring of 2011.

Objective 1.4 – Facilitating Relationships

Community Living Brant will engage with community members in the facilitation of relationships between individuals who have a developmental disability and other citizens.

  • Through Person-Directed Planning Innovations Fund Project, pilot group will be implementing additional person-directed planning tools from David Pitonyak to building relationships and support networks


To continue the commitment to excellence by enhancing the capacity of Community Living Brant to demonstrate quality.


Objective 2.1 – Continuous Quality Improvement Framework.

Community Living Brant will implement a framework for continuous quality improvement. 


  • Compiling information through completion of an updated CQL Basic Assurances and Shared Values report to reflect progress over past two years.
  • Analysis of Personal Outcomes interviews for 2010 will be completed in February 2011.


To advance the sustainability of Community Living Brant through a committed and integrated approach to leadership continuity, risk management, employee well being and financial viability.

Objective 3.1  – Succession Planning
Community Living Brant will implement a governance and management succession plan.

  • Community Living Brant has Board of Director approved Governance Policies on Board Qualifications and Composition, and Board Recruitment and Selection.
  • To maintain continuity, elections to the Board of Directors are staggered as per the General Membership approved Bylaws and decisions are made in line with Community Living Brant’s Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles.
  • A Board of Directors approved interim Executive Director Succession Plan has been developed and implemented and will be reviewed annually.
  • A permanent Succession Plan for the Executive Director and key management positions is being developed this year.
  • Our involvement in the Provincial Pilot Project on Core Competencies has allowed us to begin incorporating core competencies into our Succession Plans.

Objective 3.2 – Risk Management

Community Living Brant will develop a risk management policy and plan for the organization.

  • Community Living Brant’s Risk Management Policy, Procedure and Plan are to be developed and implemented this year.
  • The agency completed the required MCSS Agency Self-Reporting Risk Assessment Tool, which will be used to inform the comprehensive plan.
  • The agency’s insurance broker and carrier did a presentation to the Board in November 2010 outlining the agency’s coverage and potential risks and liability issues.
  • The annual review of the security system agreements is underway.
  • The agency is registered for the upgraded on line security for banking.
  •  Reviewing current policies, as well as developing and implementing policies and procedures to ensure the following resources are safeguarded: buildings, vehicles, information, financial, accessibility,  and technology.  Many of these changes are requirements of the new MCSS Quality Assurance Measures.
  • The REACH Out Self-Advocates group has completed its Complaints/Concerns video.  It was presented to agency staff on November 30 and December 1 followed by educational sessions for people receiving services which started in January.

Objective 3.3 – Employee Well Being

Community Living Brant will promote employee well being through a defined strategy.


  • In conjunction with the Wellness Committee, a survey is in draft that will go out to staff to determine baseline data for staff wellness and retention.  The survey will go out at the end of January.  There are two surveys – one for full-time staff and one for part-time staff.
  • Core competencies have been incorporated into the external hiring process.  The agency will begin using core competencies in internals interviews beginning this year.  One lunch and learn on the competencies and the interview process was done on January 20th.


Objective 3.4 – Financial Viability

Community Living Brant will implement a long-term financial planning and monitoring process to ensure the viability of Community Living Brant. 

  • The agency is developing a long-term financial projection.  Future needs will be more clearly identified through the 2011/12 budget process which will be completed in February 2011.
  • Cost ratio baseline data was completed in the fall of 2010.


For more information regarding the Quality Enhancement Committee or the implementation of the Strategic Plan, please contact Debbie Cavers, Director at 519-756-2662, ext 205


Debbie Cavers

Director, Quality & Organizational Development, OEYC:Brant


September 2009

As you know, during the summer, Susan Walters assumed the Support Worker role within Supported Employment.  With that Susan ended her role in supporting quality projects and being the staff advisor to the self-advocates.  A big thank you to Susan for all the wonderful work she has done in supporting the REACH Out self-advocates and many projects and initiatives within Community Living Brant and the community.  Susan will continue to serve as a reliable interviewer for personal outcomes and doing speaking engagements with the self-advocates within local schools.

We are very excited that Donna Blackmore, Support Worker with Supported Living, will be taking on responsibility for serving as the staff advisor for the REACH Out self-advocates group as well as working on a number of quality enhancement projects and initiatives within the agency (such as working on complaints procedures training for people we support and participating as a member of the QEC).  As some of you may know, Donna has been doing a great job completing and circulating the monthly community calendar  for the past number of months.  Donna will continue to provide support to some people who receive service through Supported Living.   Donna is looking forward to taking on these new responsibilities.  We look forward to her contributions to our quality enhancement efforts.

The Quality Enhancement Committee resumed its monthly meeting again last week.  Working groups continue developing updated policies on rights and abuse.  As well, training continues to be developed for staff and people receiving support in area of rights, person directed planning, abuse & neglect and new staff orientation.    The pilot for the revised person directed planning procedures was piloted with five people supported and five different staff teams over the spring and summer.  We received great feedback and recommendations from everyone that is being incorporated into the final planning document.  We look forward to unfolding this revised planning process in the new few months.

Please feel free to call me or drop me an email if you have any questions or would like more additional information.

Debbie Cavers

Director, Quality & Organizational Development, OEYC:Brant


May 2009

Over the past several meetings the Quality Enhancement Committee has been working on an overarching mission statement outlining the long term outcome anticipated as a result of the work plan.  The statement was developed by creating a vision of what quality services means in keeping with the agency’s mission and vision statements.  The committee is finishing its goal statements for each area of focus as well.

The Quality Enhancement Committee has the responsibility for reviewing and monitoring of the work plans for the five key areas of focus.   The following is an update on the work being done in these five areas of focus.


1.  Creating an organizational culture that ensures all people are treated with dignity and respect.

  •  The Planning and Resource team are continuing their monthly discussions at team meetings on dignity and respect.  Currently, the focus has been on how the way we support people who have been labelled as having difficult behaviours and how to ensure we are being respectful.  This conversation is a follow-up from the training staff received from David Pitonyak in March of this year.   David shared strategies for supporting people who have difficult needs, the importance of relationships and the of telling people‘s stories.


2.  Rights protection and promotion

  • Successful focus groups were held with people who receives services.  A number of themes were identified around people’s understanding of rights as well as what issues are most important to people.  The feedback will be used to help revamp the current training process.
  • The agency is working on a detailed Rights policy, using feedback from the basic assurances self-assessment.

3.  Protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and mistreatment

  • The information gathered from people who receive service and staff will be considered in the development of the agency abuse training package.  A number of the local community agencies contacted for information are willing to partner with us in competing different types of in-services or in providing us with materials that will be helpful in designing a training package.
  • The agency’s current abuse policy is being updated to reflect needed changes as determined at the basic assurances self-assessment.


4.  Self-Determination and choice for people receiving services

Under this area, there are three main areas of focus:

  • The revised agency person directed planning process is being piloted by a number of staff teams with a selected group of people receiving services.  The two staff who are assisting with the pilot have been attending planning  sessions and staff meetings to gather feedback from people and staff regarding the current process.  The information gathered will be used to modify the proposed planning guidelines to make them more effective and ensure accountability for follow through on person directed planning.
  • The self-advocate’s group sub-committees on hiring and complaints made their initial recommendations to the Executive Director.  After many discussions, a number of suggestions were made to both groups.  Each group had to meet again to either make modifications or gather additional information.

 5.  Agency orientation processes

For New Staff Orientation:

  • Focus groups with staff that have recently completed the agency’s orientation process were completed.  We learned we need to change the process to prepare people with better skills to do their job.  Staff want more information around the agency’s values and beliefs and how this has evolved over time.  They would like to have their outcomes orientation training sooner and spread out over more than one session.
  • A focus group for people receiving services will be conducted to obtain their input into what they would like to see change or added to the process. They would like to be actively involved and have a purposeful role in orientation training.
  • The materials provided by other agencies are being reviewed and relevant materials will be considered and incorporated into our orientation process.

There has been a great deal of work completed for these areas of focus.  All the feedback and input we have received from staff and people receiving support has given us clear direction on how to make changes in these five areas of focus.

Debbie Cavers

Director, Quality & Organizational Development, OEYC:Brant


The Quality Enhancement Committee is responsible for reviewing and monitoring of the work plans for the five key areas of focus on the work plan.   The following is an update on the progress being made in the five areas of focus.


1.  Creating an organizational culture that ensures all people are treated with dignity and respect.

  • Over the past two months, the Planning and Resource team have facilitated monthly discussions at team meetings on two areas of focus regarding dignity and respect.  The first topic was how we help people engage in spending their money and handling their finances.  The second topic was having conversations around what constitutes exploitation of people.  Both topics have generated positive insightful conversations at team meeting and management meetings.


 2.  Rights protection and promotion

  • A successful focus group for people supported was held on April 1st to provide further insight into training needs of people.
  • The following areas need were identified as being important for  the staff rights training model:


  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Training around understanding the rights committee and how to make a presentation to the committee
  • Understanding the difference between a support and a restriction

3.  Protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and mistreatment

  • Focus groups were held for people receiving services during the month of March.  A great deal of information was provided about what people want to learn about and how they want the training to be provided to them
  • Staff focus groups were held on March 27th to obtain the same type of feedback
  • Research is being done on current training packages that exist and investigating local community resources.


4.  Self-Determination and choice for people receiving services

Under this area, there are three main areas of focus:

  • The revised agency person directed planning process is being piloted by a number of staff teams with a selected group of people receiving services.  The feedback and recommendations being gathered will be reflected in the final package.
  • The self-advocate’s group sub-committees on hiring and complaints are presenting their recommendations to the Executive Director during this month.
  • The self-advocate group and Community Living Brant were selected as presenters for the upcoming Community Living Ontario conference in June!  The presentation is about how, as self-advocates, you can influence change in an agency.

5.  Agency orientation processes

For New Staff Orientation:

  • Focus groups will be held in April with staff who have recently completed the agency’s orientation process to obtain their feedback on the current new employee orientation.
  • A focus group for people receiving services will be conducted to obtain their input into what they would like to see change or added to the process.
  • Other agencies have been contacted to obtain their new staff orientation packages
  • After reviewing all the findings, a work plan will be established for the group

The leadership and involvement from staff and people receiving support has been amazing for all five areas of focus.  There is a great deal of enthusiasm and new ideas coming forth which will bring positive changes for people and the agency.

Debbie Cavers

Director, Quality & Organizational Development, OEYC:Brant

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